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Swisstronick's Innovative Use Cases


In this article, we will dive into a proposed innovative use case that can leverage Swisstronik's unique features in various Industries.

What Is Swisstronk?

Swisstronik is an identity-based hybrid blockchain that lets Web3 and traditional companies easily build compliant products thanks to on-chain KYC, AML & DPR solutions, and blockchain privacy features.

What are the unique features of Swisstronik?

Swisstronik stands as the pioneering platform, enabling the creation of compliant and private decentralized applications (dApps) with minimal coding requirements and legal expertise.

This breakthrough is achieved through an unparalleled fusion of two essential functionalities:

  • First of its kind Web3 Compliance Suite:

The Swisstronik Compliance Suite functions as a network that brings together global regulators, KYC issuers, and legal service providers in a manner similar to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Working collaboratively, they tailor the Swisstronik system to adhere to specific local regulations promptly and offer guidance to developers regarding internal compliance concerns. Consequently, applications developed using Swisstronik are naturally compliant, adapting seamlessly to evolving regulations.

  • Combination of software and hardware privacy tech:

zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX
On Swisstronik blockchain, KYC, AML, and other user verifications can be done on-chain in an ultra-private and secure manner. Thanks to the Swisstronik Digital Identities module that’s powered by zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX, even validators don’t have access to users' data.

The proposed innovative use case leveraging Swisstronik's unique features revolutionizes various industries by amalgamating blockchain technology, zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), and Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) into a robust solution.
Swisstronik's cutting-edge privacy technologies, zk-SNARKs, and Intel SGX are strategically utilized to establish an unparalleled level of security, privacy, and transparency within intricate business processes.

By fusing these technologies, we envision a transformative approach to supply chain management, financial transactions, healthcare data sharing, and intellectual property protection. This innovative framework promises to redefine how data is handled and transactions are conducted, instilling trust, bolstering security, and propelling efficiency across diverse sectors.

Let's go into details of the proposed use cases, including the industry it applies to.

Innovative Use Case:

Secure and Transparent Pharmaceutical Supply Chain with Swisstronik's Privacy Technologies

  • Industry: Supply-Chain
Proposed Use Case:

The proposed use case revolves around enhancing the security, transparency, and traceability of the pharmaceutical supply chain using a combination of blockchain technology, zk-SNARKs, and Intel SGX. This solution aims to ensure the authenticity and safety of pharmaceutical products as they move through the supply chain, ultimately benefiting both consumers and stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry.


The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, and ensuring the integrity of the supply chain is crucial to guarantee the safety and efficacy of medicines. Counterfeit drugs, diversion, and tampering are significant concerns in the pharmaceutical supply chain. The use of blockchain technology, zk-SNARKs, and Intel SGX through a solution like Swisstronik can address these challenges effectively.

Swisstronik's Privacy Technologies, specifically zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge) and Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions), are integrated into a blockchain-based platform. The platform enables pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers to securely and transparently trace the journey of pharmaceutical products from production to consumption.

Leveraging Swisstronik Features:

1. zk-SNARKs

Privacy-Preserving Transactions:
zk-SNARKs are employed to ensure privacy and confidentiality within the blockchain. Pharmaceutical transaction details are cryptographically protected while still allowing verification of the authenticity of the transactions.

2. Intel SGX:

Secure Data Processing:
Intel SGX provides a secure enclave for critical operations within the platform. Sensitive data, such as proprietary drug formulations or manufacturing processes, are stored and processed within the SGX enclave, ensuring that only authorized entities can access or manipulate this data.

High-Level Workflow:

  • Product Registration and Encryption:

Pharmaceutical products are registered on the blockchain, and relevant details are encrypted using zk-SNARKs, preserving privacy while allowing validation of authenticity.

  • Secure Manufacturing and Data Processing:

During the manufacturing process, critical data is processed within Intel SGX enclaves, ensuring it remains confidential and secure from unauthorized access or tampering.

  • Supply Chain Tracking:

As the products move through the supply chain, each transaction is recorded on the blockchain. zk-SNARKs maintain transaction privacy while enabling stakeholders to validate the legitimacy of the products.

  • Verification and Authenticity:

Consumers and stakeholders can use the platform to scan a product's QR code, triggering a verification process. The use of zk-SNARKs ensures that the verification is secure and private, protecting sensitive data.

This innovative solution offers a balance between privacy and transparency, providing a secure and trustworthy pharmaceutical supply chain. It empowers consumers to verify the authenticity of pharmaceutical products while safeguarding sensitive information within the industry.

Use Case:

Decentralized Healthcare Data Marketplace

  • Industry: Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

The proposed use case leverages a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that utilizes a combination of software and hardware privacy technologies, specifically zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge) and Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions), to create a secure and privacy-preserving healthcare data marketplace. This use case caters to the healthcare industry, addressing the growing need for secure and efficient data sharing among healthcare providers, researchers, and patients.

Leveraging Swisstronik Features:

The DeFi protocol in question, introduces a new paradigm in healthcare data sharing, ensuring data privacy, security, and transparency.

Use Case Workflow:

1. zk-SNARKs for Privacy:

Swisstronik incorporates zk-SNARKs to enable healthcare data providers (hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and patients) to prove the validity of their data without revealing the actual data itself. This allows for confidential data sharing while maintaining patient privacy.

2. Intel SGX for Hardware Security:

The protocol utilizes Intel SGX technology to provide a secure enclave where sensitive operations and computations occur. This ensures that even the operators of Swisstronik cannot access the confidential healthcare data shared on the platform.

3. Patient Data Ownership and Consent:

Patients are in control of their healthcare data. They can opt to securely share their medical records, research participation, or diagnostic data with approved healthcare providers or researchers. Smart contracts in the Swisstronik protocol handle data access permissions, ensuring data is only used with the patient's consent.

4. Tokenized Incentives:

Swisstronik introduces a native utility token that incentivizes data sharing and participation in the network. Patients and healthcare providers are rewarded for contributing data and participating in research projects, fostering collaboration and data liquidity.

5. Interoperability and Data Standards:

Swisstronik integrates with existing healthcare systems and adheres to industry standards for data formats and transmission. This ensures seamless integration with electronic health records (EHRs) and other healthcare data sources.

6. Research and Analytics:

Researchers can access aggregated, anonymized data for epidemiological studies, drug development, and clinical trials while respecting privacy regulations. The zk-SNARKs technology ensures that even aggregated data cannot be reverse-engineered to reveal individual patient identities.

7. Immutable Audit Trail:

All data transactions and access requests are recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable audit trail. This transparency enhances trust and accountability in the healthcare ecosystem.

In summary, Swisstronik's innovative use of zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX technology in a DeFi protocol empowers patients with control over their healthcare data while enabling secure, privacy-preserving data sharing for healthcare providers and researchers. This solution addresses the need for data liquidity and collaboration in the healthcare industry while respecting strict privacy and security requirements.

Lastly, we have...

Use Case:

Secure and Transparent Health Records Management with Swisstronik

Industry: Healthcare


In the healthcare industry, securing and managing patient health records while ensuring privacy and data integrity is paramount. A Web3 data solution company utilizes a revolutionary blend of zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) to create an innovative and secure health records management platform.

How Swisstronik Features Are Used:

  • zk-SNARKs for Privacy and Verification:

Swisstronik employs zk-SNARKs, a privacy-centric technology, to enable confidential and efficient verification of health records without revealing sensitive information. When a healthcare provider inputs a patient's data into the system, zk-SNARKs are utilized to generate a succinct proof attesting to the accuracy and validity of the information without disclosing the actual data.

  • Intel SGX for Hardware-Based Security:

Intel SGX is leveraged to establish hardware-based security zones, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of health records. SGX enables the creation of isolated enclaves within the CPU, where sensitive computations related to health records processing take place securely, shielding against unauthorized access even from privileged software.

Use Case Workflow:

  • Data Entry and Encryption:

Healthcare providers input patient health data into the Swisstronik platform. The data is immediately encrypted and then processed within a secure Intel SGX enclave.

  • zk-SNARKs Proof Generation:

Within the SGX enclave, the system generates a zk-SNARKs proof, validating the accuracy and integrity of the health data without revealing any identifiable information.

  • Record Verification:

Third-party verifiers, such as insurance companies or authorized researchers, can request verification of the records. The system utilizes the zk-SNARKs proof to verify the data's authenticity without exposing the actual data.

  • Secure Data Access:

Patients and authorized healthcare professionals can access health records securely through the Swisstronik platform, leveraging Intel SGX for real-time decryption and processing of data within secure enclaves.

This innovative integration of zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX in healthcare record management ensures both privacy and transparency, enabling efficient verification while safeguarding sensitive health data. Patients have control over their records, and healthcare providers can securely and accurately access necessary information, establishing a new standard for secure health records management.


In the realm of Web3 data solutions, Swisstronik's pioneering applications of zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX redefine data management across diverse industries. In the financial sector, their platform ensures confidential transactions by leveraging zk-SNARKs, enhancing privacy and security for users. In supply chain management, Swisstronik utilizes Intel SGX to establish a trustworthy and tamper-evident system, fostering transparency and trust.

Lastly, in healthcare, the amalgamation of zk-SNARKs and Intel SGX creates an innovative health records management system, striking the balance between data privacy and accessibility. Swisstronik's groundbreaking integration of these technologies paves the way for a more secure, transparent, and efficient digital future, empowering users to harness the benefits of blockchain while preserving privacy and data integrity.

About Swisstronick:

Swisstronik is a layer 1 solution built on the Cosmos SDK framework. It aims to combine the benefits of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with the underlying infrastructure provided by the Cosmos SDK. This integration allows Swisstronik to offer Ethereum compatibility while providing additional features such as private EVM execution using Intel SGX.

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