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Discussion on: Style beautiful web pages without writing any CSS. Using W3.CSS.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

The dream of the semantic web is over, isn't it?
By which I mean, this is a mix of style and content which means that if you want to re-theme your website you'll have to change all the HTML :(

imalittletester profile image
Corina Pip

That's true. They also offer something in regards to themes, but i haven't tried it: I think it all depends on the purpose of the development and what kind of pages you are creating. This is a quick win in many situations.

naasking profile image
Sandro Magi • Edited

Class attributes aren't semantic content, so nothing wrong with this approach really. The problem with inline styles is that they're too limited: you can't constrain by media queries or other pseudo elements or pseudo classes. Atomic CSS can handle that, and it does so in a way that's much easier to use than fiddling with CSS manually. I recommend checking out the tachyons CSS toolkit.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Why would your content be in your markup files? :O
It should be in the API/DB/CMS.

thebouv profile image
Anthony Bouvier • Edited

You know there are static websites, right?

And I don't even mean generated static sites. I literally mean sites that don't need an API/DB/CMS because they are pure content and easy to manage in HTML?

Oh, say, for instance most sites hosted on GitHub Pages.

Resume sites. Portfolio sites. Restaurant sites. I can go on and on.

You don't need to over-engineer a 6 page restaurant site that hosts directions, menu, and simple things like that.

Don't overlook those pages -- they're still important and a big chunk of what the web is made of.

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qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

I find that unsustainable even for tiny restaurant sites.
For example, you likely have your contact info in the contact page and the footer of every page.
Assuming you at least keep your footers separate, that's still two places to change your phone number, working hours, etc.

And this isn't a root comment, this is a response to the person woeing over having to redo their markup for a restyle.

Well, guess what? CSS Garden doesn't work on real-life markup, only on intentionally superfluous one.

ohffs profile image

I think tailwindcss is a nice middle-ground - you can use the pure 'utility' approach like :

<div class="shadow bg-primary px-4 py-8">Nav here</div>

But you can also 'compose' classes out of the utilities in your css/sass by doing :

.nav {
  @apply shadow bg-primary px-4 py-8;
<div class="nav">Nav here</div>

I've found it works quite well - those one-off things can keep their one-off utlities, but as you find common/re-used blocks and components you can style them as one thing.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

That makes more sense to me because it's still keeping the presentation stuff in the presentation box.

louislow profile image
Louis Low • Edited

Same here. I also can use Yogurt CSS to expose it's utility modules into a custom class for those who dislike to inline the styles in their HTML. And also, it is an easy and quick way to refactoring or migrating their existing stylesheet to Yogurt CSS.

<y class="nav">
  Who's stylish?
.nav {

  &:hover {
squidbe profile image

Indeed. I understand why some people choose this approach, but it defeats the purpose of classes. I want to define a class of objects which share attributes because those objects represent the same thing on the page (e.g., headings). Using, e.g., "w3-teal" on those headings is essentially just moving my CSS into my HTML, and making it more cumbersome to change that one color in the future. I'd rather just define my "heading" class with whatever shade of teal I want, then change that one color in one place in the future.

Again, I get why some people use libraries like this, but I've noticed a move toward this approach even when it creates more problems than it solves (it doesn't make sense for most enterprise web apps). And the unfortunate reality is that some developers just don't want to spend time understanding CSS to the degree that they do JavaScript.