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Discussion on: The Power of Variable Names

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Ben Sinclair

I agree with most of the points here, but picked up on a couple of points:

I don't think that pointsRecord is a better variable name than maximumNumberOfPointsInModernOlympics because "record" doesn't imply the same thing as "maximum possible", and also because "record" is more usually used to convey the idea of a set of data.

Your last example says that you don't need to use "m_" as a member variable prefix anymore, but you immediately follow that with a list of "Standarized Prefixes" including "m_". I think that either you use a language where the convention includes metadata about the variable or you don't, and you go with what the rest of the world does.

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Ahmad Adillaumam

First, thanks for the comment. I can agree with your first argument. pointsRecord does not fully represent maximumNumberOfPointsInModernOlympics. I will learn more about it. Regarding the m_ prefix, it is not recommended to use prefixes but in certain situations such as in the organization, prefixes may be needed and used with name conventions. I included an explanation of prefixes in the name convention section. I just realized that I'm converting C++ syntax to Javascript carelessly. At first, I meant it for intermezzo, but it seems misguided and misunderstood. Maybe I need to delete it or add a note. Thanks again for the comment, I appreciate it, and it helped me :)