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Expose Your Currently Listening Song on Your Profile with Profile Readme

I love listening to music and sharing my taste with others. Recently, I discovered GitHub's new system for effectively displaying SVG content with Markdown and HTML on readme(s). With that in mind, I created a tool called Profile Readme, which allows you to display an SVG image with your currently listening song details on your Github profile readme.

How to use

To display your currently listening song, add an image to your readme with the following link:

Replace :username with your username. The API will return an SVG image with your currently listening song details, which can be displayed in your Github profile readme.

Here is an example of how it should look:

![Currently listening to](
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Currently listening to

(ignore the weird font that's on


You can customize the image by adding query parameters to the link:

  • color - The color of the card (Hex color code) (Default: #000)
  • textColor - The color of the text (Hex color code) (Default: #fff)
  • isRounded - Whether the card should be rounded or not (Default: false)
  • displayName - Whether username should be displayed or not (Default: false)
  • apiKey - You can use your own API key in case my preexisting one dies somehow

Here is an example of how it should look with url queries:

![Currently listening to](
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Currently listening to

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