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Cover image for πŸš€ MongoDB 7.0: The Latest and Greatest!
Danny Chan for MongoDB Builders

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πŸš€ MongoDB 7.0: The Latest and Greatest!

πŸ” New Aggregations Operators:

  • $median: Calculate the median value in a group
  • $percentile: Calculate the percentile value in a group

⏱️ Time Series:

  • Optimized for storing, querying, and processing time-series data

πŸ” Compound Wildcard Indexes:

  • Wildcard index on a single field

πŸ“Š Atlas Search Index Management:

  • Fine-grained text indexing and querying of data

πŸ”„ Change Stream:

  • Inform downstream systems once data is updated

πŸ”’ Queryable Encryption:

  • End-to-end encryption of sensitive data
  • Query encrypted data without decrypting


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Danny Chan, specialty of FSI and Serverless

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Kenny Chan, specialty of FSI and Machine Learning

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