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Cover image for πŸ€‘ Financial Industry Side Chat: MongoDB Atlas Charts Real-World User Case (Crypto Trading & Lending) πŸ€‘
Danny Chan for MongoDB Builders

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πŸ€‘ Financial Industry Side Chat: MongoDB Atlas Charts Real-World User Case (Crypto Trading & Lending) πŸ€‘

🏦 Use case 1: Trade Ledger: πŸ€‘

  • Data-Driven Lending
  • Streamline customers' online credit application process
  • Ability to lend to any growth business
  • Make business faster, easier, more profitable
  • Loans can be approved within an hour

πŸ” Lending Domain Knowledge:

  • Access quality data sources to make informed decisions
  • Enable lenders to enhance credit risk profiles (ongoing basis as they lend)

🀯 Challenge: Enforcement of Business Rules

  • Different products adding layers of complexity
  • Manual activities do not comply with regulatory requirements

πŸ” Challenge: Transparency

  • Data sitting within spreadsheet, doc across financial institution and multiple different departments

πŸ” Challenge: Auditability, Traceability

  • Frequent data changes across the different data sources
  • Keep track of the data changes over time

πŸ”₯ Solution: MongoDB Flexible Document Data Model

  • Different data types from different data sources with different schemas into a single data source

πŸ€‘ Use case 2: Crypto Trading πŸ€‘

  • Holistic Picture of All Up-to-Date Data

🀯Kibana: (not good)

  • Sync all their different data sources into ElasticSearch, just for reporting
  • Time-consuming, multiple copies of data, out of date by the time

🀯 Challenge:

  • Different sets of data from different projects
  • Different privacy and security requirements based on each country or region
  • Extra security capabilities, built-in compliance

πŸ”₯ Solution: MongoDB Atlas Charts

  • Visual representations
  • Built-in tools
  • Real-time
  • Analytics capabilities and Business Intelligence
  • Perform custom queries and create custom data visualizations
  • Daily executive dashboards: Timely decisions
  • Insight key customer stats, deal volume, user numbers

πŸš€ MongoDB Advantage:

  • 10,000 to 15,000 trades per second
  • Removing complexity
  • Separate data into distinct clusters
  • Comply with different regional rules (GDPR, APAC)

Seracle builds the future of crypto trading with MongoDB's Developer Data Platform
Trade Ledger Pioneers Data-Driven Lending across the Financial Services Industry Using MongoDB Atlas on AWS


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Danny Chan, specialty of FSI and Serverless

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Kenny Chan, specialty of FSI and Machine Learning

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