DEV Community

Christine Marshall
Christine Marshall

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#100daysofcode round #2 day #2

2, stayed up all night learning JavaScript on Sololearn and earning their Introductory JavaScript course completion certificate. Do i know any more JS than i did before? Not much... then i moved on to Codecademy's Intro to JS and it seems after the third time going through it , something is starting to finally stick! On a more humiliating and humbling note, I just realized that after 4-5 months in of brutal 12 hour days, i don't know much more than HTML and basic CSS. Can i pass basic responsive design, or even make boxes on both sides of the webpage? A sad, very sad no... still needing to brush up on flexbox, grid and the (stuff?) that makes it easier such as tailwind bootstap and some other thingamagig.... all to be learning as i go further into the deeper end of Frontend development.

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