DEV Community

Molly Nemerever
Molly Nemerever

Posted on

Learning Node.js - Recommendations?

I'm interested in learning Node.js and am wondering if there are any recommendations for online resources? I'm particularly interested in something engaging (practice problems and reviewed solutions) such as the courses offered on udemy.

Does anyone have any recommendations on material that they found to be beneficial? There is so much content out there - looking for some personal insight before I go down the Google rabbit hole. 🐰

Thanks in advance!

Top comments (2)

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

I learned node (the basics) a few years ago with nodeschool, specifically the learnyounode module. This is like a "workshop" thingy that you install and use on the terminal, once installed you follow instructions and do some challenges. I like this because it doesn't introduce express.js as a way of teaching about node.

zoomelectrico profile image
Jose Roberto Quevedo Gabizon

Learn node by Wes Bos the best material out there. You'll learn daily tools for a node developer like express, mongo, mongoose, pug, etc.