I have been asked many times by new developers what should I study and focus on when I am learning to code? Asking that question is the equivalent ...
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PHP is not even on the list. Its hurts aaouch...
It's always like this in this kind of statistics... Well keep ignoring us, based on an opinion made many years ago and we will keep finding jobs easily while practicing a nice language !
Yes man that hurts.
This was a great article. I think about choosing to focus on one a lot, but it's not an easy decision. It feels like frontend changes at a faster pace compared to backend, which can make it feel more challenging. Also, from my experience, it's easier to improve frontend skills through personal projects while my growth as backend developer really happened working on production code.
To me it's all about the impact you can make over a period of time, while at the same time enjoying your work (which means spending 80% of your time reading code and not going bunkers).
I find Frontend applications to be short-lived in comparison with Backend ones. Many new websites work with Backend cores that are decades old.
I also find Frontend code to be much more messy and hacky. I don't know why, I guess JS has a double edge between expressiveness and just pure anarchy.
In general, when working with a medium-sized or larger team I dislike doing Front-end work. I really get the feeling of having too many cooks on the kitchen very quick. Yes, everybody codes the backend in a different way, but at least not in an altogether different paradigm!
However, I also like the 'indie' feeling of Frontend development and how easy and cheap is to prototype user-ready applications.
Both ?
Yep! As I stated that is also an option 😊
My bad I've read the article too fast :( (or did I just read just what i wanted :o )
hehe no worries! Been there, done that! Especially during the work day when I am skimming something fast
I enjoy frontend, but I have to say I detest making things work in the IE browser. That's why I'm open to understanding back-end more for more opportunities.
Do what we do: Depreciate support for pre-IE 11. They'll have to move eventually so may as well rip the bandaid off and let them realise what they have been missing.
I used to work with databases and data only for like first 4 years of my career, which kinda became boring. Then I started doing services and front-end. I love the change and my previous experience helps a lot now.
It's easy to understand complicated data flow, write performant SQL code be able to read execution plans. Lots of full stack developers lack this.
Agree! We do an SRE rotation with our devs where one of them will come work on the SRE team for 3-6 months. It gives them a peek behind the curtain and teaches them how we approach code and performance. Then they can take what they learn back to their teams and apply it and teach others.
I think Most Popular Technologies are more relevant than "Loved" ones.
I have the same reason as yours about being a backend dev. I enjoy writing services that are invisible to an end user, optimize things, make the hardware run faster and keep the data center cool.
I'd job on frontend now, but especially focus on 'engineer' site, i have no experience work with frontend on 'design' side, like do slicing web, or make web effect wonderful, i come from backend with minimal library such as jQuery & AJAX, PHP & MySQL background, then i straight to learn React, now i landed job on Frontend (Reactjs) Engineer, i love with performance than appearance, what should i do if i want learn backend ?
I didn't like the way you described both backend and frontend in the begining, but it was a good advice to say that you should start with both without diving in too much on the details at first (Been there...)
WTF No PHP? thas that even exist? You must be joking
Hey there! I shared your article here t.me/theprogrammersclub and check out the group if you haven't already!
So outdated the image data. Front-end is more than that.
Actually, with SPA, for example, we can do much MUCH more of application logic on front-end.
Thanks Molly for the tips 😊
I work on the backend but from time to time there are some frontend tasks, these have been the most frustrating but fun tasks to do.
I vote for fullstack because it makes you more valuable to companies and it's easier to find a job if you don't limit yourself to either frontend or backend