DEV Community

Idukpaye alex
Idukpaye alex

Posted on

why you should consider supporting me: little bit about me

Honestly, writing articles isn't easy at all, especially for me. Things have been really tough me lately because my computer is from 15yrs ago and i do not have a phone. Stanislav Ilin Thank you for your support(you always like my articles). I have always had bad computers thats why i started my YouTube channel(to buy better equipment) in the first place but due to inadequate resources i could not continue; microphone was a problem i never had one; my computer could not take running just a React app anymore.
Lately for the past 2-months, i have not been coding due to my computer. I have just me been writing articles and hoping one day i will be able to monitize them and buy a computer and a phone.My computer is really slow (even just for basic browsing) making it very hard to write articles. I am 14yrs, so i do not have a bank account yet(because i have to be 18yrs).if you want to support me which will be very extremely helpful to me, check out my buymeacoffee page Thank you. Data (internet connection) has been a very big problem for me,so if you donate $5 to me, i will be very happy but i will used it to buy Data(for about 2weeks). finally, if you buymeacofee i may give you some premium articles in return

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