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Cover image for DTD in Testng.xml file
Khaja Moinuddin Mohammed
Khaja Moinuddin Mohammed

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DTD in Testng.xml file

DTD stands for "Document Type Definition".

We say an xml is "Well Formed", if just the syntax of the xml is correct. But, let's assume you are providing a tool/framework and want users to use it in an opinionated way for easy consumption of your library, especially the xml file that the users have to create to use your tool/framework. You need to have, kind of schema, that you want users to follow, that is where DTD comes handy by providing both "Well Formed" and "Valid" xml

Since, we are talking about testng (which is a Testing framework and stands for Test Next Generation), let's take a simple tetng.xml as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UFT-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1" >
  <test name="Nopackage" >
       <class name="NoPackageTest" />

  <test name="Regression1">
      <class name="test.sample.ParameterSample"/>
      <class name="test.sample.ParameterTest"/>
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The first line represents what xml version and encoding type we want our testng.xml to be compatible with.

  • Suite in Testng is represented by tag, and can have multiple attributes passed. It can contain one or more tests, here we have two tests.
  • Test tag in Testng is represented by and can contain one or more TestNG classes.
  • Classes is a Testng tag represented by and holds a list of objects
  • Class of Testng is a Java class that contains at least one TestNG annotation and is represented by the tag and can contain one or more test methods.

Now, comes the most important part, as per the subject of discussion of this post i.e., DTD

All the xml tags that we have seen above are guided by the principles defined in the Testng DTD file.

Note: It's hard to read the html file, so use a Html viewer to read through the DTD file

As part of this blog post, let's cover the small part from the original Testng's DTD file

<!-- A suite is the top-level element of a testng.xml file                  -->

<!ELEMENT suite (listeners|packages|test|parameter|method-selectors|suite-files)* >

<!-- Attributes: -->
@attr  name        The name of this suite (as it will appear in the reports)
@attr  junit       Whether to run in JUnit mode.
@attr  verbose     How verbose the output on the console will be.  
                This setting has no impact on the HTML reports.
@attr  parallel   Whether TestNG should use different threads
                to run your tests (might speed up the process)
@attr  configfailurepolicy  Whether to continue attempting Before/After
                Class/Methods after they've failed once or just skip remaining.
@attr  thread-count An integer giving the size of the thread pool to use
                if you set parallel.
@attr  annotations  If "javadoc", TestNG will look for
                JavaDoc annotations in your sources, otherwise it will
                use JDK5 annotations.
@attr  time-out     The time to wait in milliseconds before aborting the
                method (if parallel="methods" ) or the test (parallel="tests")
@attr  skipfailedinvocationCounts Whether to skip failed invocations.
@attr  data-provider-thread-count An integer giving the size of the thread pool to use
       for parallel data providers.
@attr  object-factory A class that implements IObjectFactory that will be used to
       instantiate the test objects.
<!ATTLIST suite 
    junit (true | false) "false"
    verbose CDATA #IMPLIED
    parallel (false | methods | tests | classes) "false"
    configfailurepolicy (skip | continue) "skip"
    thread-count CDATA "5"
    annotations CDATA #IMPLIED
    time-out CDATA #IMPLIED
    skipfailedinvocationCounts (true | false) "false"
    data-provider-thread-count CDATA "10"
    object-factory CDATA #IMPLIED
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  • We define xml comments between <!-- and -->

  • The tag <!ELEMENT suite (listeners|packages|test|parameter|method-selectors|suite-files)* > Defines that the suite element must contain one or all of the elements i.e., listeners, packages etc., Let's look at another example - <!ELEMENT test (method-selectors?,parameter*,groups?,packages?,classes?) >, in this case the element test can contain one or more of the mentioned elements i.e., method-selectors, parameter (or parameters), groups, packages and/or classes.

  • @attr - Defines the attributes that can be passed onto the suite tag. Let's see a couple of them. @attr name is an attribute with name and what is the data type it can hold is defined under <!ATTLIST test > i.e., with name CDATA #REQUIRED which defines that this is of type string through CDATA and with #REQUIRED we specify that this is a mandatory attribute, we can also have #IMPLIED instead if the attribute isn't mandatory.

  • Let's look another example, junit (true | false) "false" here we are specifying the attribute as junit and it can have a value of either true (or) false, with default value as false.

That's it, you are now master at understanding any DTD, and most importantly you now know why you get weird errors when you don't include a DTD at the top of your xml document.

If i missed anything or you want to see part 2 of this post on specific topics of DTD, do let me know in the comments. Thanks again for reading through this (not so very interesting ;) ) article.


TestNg DTD
W3 Schools
Liquid Technologies

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