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Develop & Publish your own SDK in Android - Part 3(Create gradle dependency)

Mohit Rajput on February 17, 2019

This is the 3rd and last part of "Develop & Publish your own SDK in Android" series. We have already learned what an AAR file is and how is it ...
pranishres profile image
Pranish Shrestha

This is the best tutorial on bintray library I have seen so far. Could you please help me with 1 thing. I have included my repository url in my build.gradle file when I build my project, I get error "Failed to resolve: com.ekbana.myfirstlibrary:preference:0.0.1" which basically means it didn't find the remote repository, but it is still there ""

mohitrajput987 profile image
Mohit Rajput

Can you send your gradle file here

sagrawal31 profile image
Shashank Agrawal

This article is now obsolete as

mohitrajput987 profile image
Mohit Rajput

Yup. Technology changes with the time.
I will write new articles for publishing libraries.