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Mohit Majumdar
Mohit Majumdar

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Unveiling My First AWS Bill: A Beginner's Journey into Cloud Costs


Hey everyone! In December 2023, I dove headfirst into the fascinating realm of AWS, driven by a simple curiosity about the cloud. Little did I know that this journey would unfold into a valuable lesson on understanding the ins and outs of AWS billing.

Section 1: AWS Billing Overview:

AWS welcomes you with a user-friendly billing interface, where you only pay for what you use—a pretty sweet deal! Even though I was cruising along in the free tier, a surprise bill came knocking on my virtual door.

AWS Cost Management:

Navigating the financial side of AWS is made easier with AWS Cost Management. Picture it as your trusty sidekick in budget creation. To stay ahead of any unexpected costs, I set up a zero-budget alert, acting like a friendly reminder if I ever started to exceed those free tier limits.

The Oops Moment:

In my excitement to explore, I goofed up. I had several Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances up and running, thinking I was being smart by consolidating my data into a single image for use in different places. Then there was this snapshot—about 30GB in size—that I created and completely forgot about. Surprise, surprise, after my free tier bid farewell, a bill showed up, courtesy of that unnoticed snapshot.

Invoice from AWS


Lesson learned: always keep an eye on the stuff you deploy in the cloud. If you're done with it, kick it to the virtual curb to avoid any surprise charges. And hey, those budget alerts? Golden. They're like your financial guardian angel, preventing any unexpected budget heartaches.

In this ever-evolving world of cloud tech, it's all about sharing experiences. Hopefully, by sharing mine, I've made navigating the AWS landscape a bit easier for you. Just remember, the cloud is fantastic, but it pays to be a savvy user. Happy cloud adventures!

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