Kali Linux is an operating system build on Debian distribution that comes preloaded with over four hundred tools for cybersecurity. Reviews of the tool in its Kali Linux distribution are positive with comments ranging from penetration testing to digital forensics with the application being close to the heart of ethical hackers and security analysts.
Example: Your job for today it to evaluate a company’s network. Explaining that all of these tools are integrated in Kali, you scan network vulnerabilities, determine what can be potentially exploited.
Popular tools in Kali Linux:
Aircrack-ng: The particular drivers of wireless network security are as follows:
Hydra: For password cracking.
John the Ripper: During the process of checking password security level.
Real-world case: A cybersecurity team escalate the profile of a government agency and performed successful attacks using Kali Linux.
Tip for Beginners: After playing with Kali Linux, people can get overwhelmed easily. As you advance as a security analyst use simple tools such as Nmap or Wireshark then move up the next level when you are proficient. It is recommended to create a virtual machine and test it there as it won’t affect the operating system at first.
Reminder: Kali Linux is a powerful tool of penetration testing hence its use should be strictly done ethically without any permission. Abuse has its consequences and they are not very pleasant.
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