DEV Community

My Startup is Collapsing, and I Can’t do Anything About It

Mohammad Faisal on October 11, 2023

This was written three years ago. To read more articles like this, visit my blog 3.5 Years… That is the time we dreamt of building something that...
freddyhm profile image
Freddy Hidalgo-Monchez • Edited

Thanks for the share Mohammad. It takes much courage to be brutally honest like this. Having gone through the entrepreneurship ride myself, I get how insane it can feel!

Similar to you, I built fast with little experience at the time, and paid the price. I learned a ton about myself, and what is really important to me. The lessons are still paying dividends now, almost 10 years later. No regrets.

Nothing is lost, everything is transformed. Good luck in your journey!

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Thank you!

matkwa profile image
Mat Kwa • Edited

Little bit like reading about my own past (On a smaller scale in terms of employees).

Especially the part about jumping on the newest tech, choosing NoSQL instead of Postgres and the lack of architecture understanding.

One senior dev is crucial for any tech startup, would you agree?

Although they hurt badly, making mistakes is an important part of becoming an entrepreneur. Lick your wounds, come back stronger.

Best of success with your next startup.

pvivo profile image
Peter Vivo

Thanks for shared your story, I realized in Hungary I also faced of startup problem like your. But I am is not work as inventor, just graphic designer and developer. But our startup is do same mistakes as you do.

Keep up, and go forward to your the next dream!

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Thanks brother

eljayadobe profile image

I've worked at three start-ups. The third one my own short-lived start-up.

The first two start-ups followed the valley of death down the path of sink. {See Note#1 below.}

One took about 3 years to fail (and all the devs were laid off), and then a lingering death for another 8 years.

Another took about 2 years to fail — a casualty of the "dot com bubble going bust". Then a fairly short lingering death of about a year before shuttering.

My start-up did not even get to the valley of death, because I accidentally got hired at a big company and that put my one-person start-up on perma-hold.

Note#1. The graph says 90% sink, and 10% swim — I think the reality is 99.9% sink, and 0.1% swim. It's not just start-ups, but likewise skunkworks / incubation projects at a big company have the same failure/success ratio. That's why innovation by acquisition for a company to buy a proven winner in the market is a very valid & viable corporate strategy. (Even for a company with deep pockets, like Microsoft: they shuttered CodePlex and bought GitHub — because GitHub had won the hearts & minds in the marketplace.)

redbeardjunior profile image

there is no shame to have a step back go back to the drawing board and polish it over and over again.

Keep on going !

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Thanks brother

dimondigital profile image
Dimon Nikolaev

Hi, Mohammad. Thanks for sharing your wide experience with us.
I have a question.
What is the main problem of why your product does not run well enough?
Do you make some analysis of customer behavior?

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

To some extent, no. We designed features without realizing if the users wanted them or not.

artxe2 profile image
Yeom suyun

It must have been a really painful memory, but I think it is a really rare opportunity to receive investment and attract customers.
Did those experiences not give you another possibility?

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

I am not pursuing startups for now. But those experiences sure taught me a lot and helping in my current journey.

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

I’m really sorry to hear that your venture didn’t go well. I hope you take care of yourself.

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal

Thank you!

bbkr profile image
Paweł bbkr Pabian

I've been there. Not as a startup owner, but as a developer who must refactor garage product developed by "client x wants it to work this way, client y wants just the opposite" rule. That is huge issue for startups - money is so important that they allow clients to blackmail them with feature demands instead of sticking to long term vision.

I remember one function in the code. It was named dong. With comment only Wang can make ding-dong. So yeah... We wasted some serious amount of time trying to find ding function (failed) or full identity of this customer (also failed) before we carefully tried to remove this logic from code :)

But my story has happy end, product was cleaned up and survived on the market for years. I hope your next project will be successful as well.

shivakodam profile image

Thanks for the share Mohammad

adhurimgervalla profile image
Adhurim Gervalla

Thank you very much for sharing!

wakywayne profile image

Man my old boss should read this

atwellpub profile image
Hudson Atwell

Thanks for sharing!

lancejulio profile image
Lance Julio

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