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mohammed sharaki
mohammed sharaki

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why you should start learn programming Today

Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think ~ steve jobs

programming is the first/last choice for anybody who wants to build tools that make complicated things easy for everybody can use this tool or software.

all paragraphs in this article are Personal reasons and some resources about why you should learn to program?

wait 🛑

I’m not your parents who say “you should learn something, or we will take a stand with you”.

or not your teacher in glasses, saying " you should learn something to pass my exam".

I’m just a person who learns to code. so to understand the reasons, complete this article to understand the point of my view and create your view.

hold on, wait 🚨

what the points we will talk about in the article

  1. What is Technology?
  2. Technology with company and economies.
  3. change in the world based on Technology.
  4. easy to learn.
  5. salary.
  6. Express your creativity.
  7. easy to work.

    ### why this point especially? 🥇
    When I started writing this article I focused on economies, companies, and employment. I believe technology is inseparable from us.

In our lives, we are always connected with technology and we can’t disconnect or live without technology for 10 MIN. technology is everywhere.

So, in 1988 came a new word is " ubiquitous computing " include :

  1. PC
  2. Laptop
  3. smartphone
  4. wearable devices
  5. sensors (for example, on fleet management and pipeline components, lighting systems, appliances).

    ## So, what is the Technology ? 🤔
    Technology is the continually developing result of accumulated knowledge and application in all techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in industrial production and scientific research (Wikipedia)

What is the relation between technology and companies?

if you start to think about companies you will see statistics in the world about the Top 10 companies in the world.
fortunately, technology company ranked top 10 on the list.

Technology helps businesses in a number of ways that generally center on doing things bigger, better or faster than you could without technology. Different industries and companies rely on technology in different ways, but some benefits of technology in business include improved communication, optimized production, inventory management and financial record-keeping.

the first stage is when a person-businessman builds a company, that searches for a problem that he can solve. most problem you can solve it manually, but with programming you can solve it fast, better and more broadly.

So In 2022 you can’t start a startup without IT. The top 10 companies are IT.
IT company is the fastest business grow up in world. you can see image below source


IT is a tightly integrated part of the business- the goals technology seeks to accomplish are often the same as the company itself. What it comes down to is that IT initiatives should align with business goals to provide the context and channels for organization-wide success.

(Tech Blog) to read more about this topic

The worldwide information technology industry has almost reached $5 trillion in 2019

Technology statistics

36% of businesses plan to improve their IT operations performance due to the 2020 pandemic.

Technology statistics

The employment of software developers is projected to grow by up to 22% from 2019 to 2029.

Technology statistics

Technology company and economies 🧭


the big revenue in the world it’s from Technology source

changing in the world based on Technology ⛑

search on google about the future, and you notice many articles include AI. Therefore, the future is AI [ robots, automation, self-driving cars, self-delivery, drones ].

If you open Medium you will read several articles about the future and How AI will replace humans and everything will be automated, even jobs.

I think you were reading about AI before. Now, we are on the outskirts of a new era, AI who is doing anything.

There’s scope for greater automation in almost any business, across all industries. source

TimeLine of automation

easy to learn 🏫

Programming can be learned at home, on your bed, without having to leave the house or going to school. There are so many courses available online to learn coding from scratch. literally without prior knowledge.

without degree 🎓

There are many programmers working without degrees in IT, and you needn't be a graduate to get a job. You can learn online, like Udacity or FreeCodeCamp. Many people now have jobs without degrees. this story on quora


Recently, the job review site Glassdoor compiled a list of 15 different companies that don’t require job applicants to have college degrees. The list includes high-paying tech outlets like Apple, Google, and IBM, in addition to service-oriented companies like Costco, Starbucks, and Chipotle. source

If you are uncomfortable because you believe a degree is important, you supposed to know “Scott Young” story, who learned MIT subjects in one year. 😍

Over the next 12 months, I’m going to learn the entire 4-year MIT curriculum for computer science, without taking any classes. source

age not required 🔞

Danny tweets about learning programming without caring about age, he says

" I worked with a PHENOMENAL woman who was 60 when she got her job as a frontend developer! "

It's amazing when women started to learn programming 60 years ago. I remember when I start to learn to code that I can't meet people who learn to code bigger than 30, but I saw many people start learning when they passed 40 years old


Another programmer took a picture while he was learning Python at 52 years old.


I believe age is merely a number and not a rule. You can see from these stories if you need a certain age to learn programming




salary 💲

hmm, now I writing this paragraph after end all article ( not joke) really I didn't write it because I don't believe in money I believe on value.
but I should writing about this topic, don't worry, search on google about " highest salary in the world ". IT was ranked 16th on the list.

Average Salary: $142,530

National average salary: $106,119 per year

Express your creativity 👻

while you learning programming you can create projects, This is not a possibility, it is an obligatory task to understand what you learning, to improve your skill in programming.

" Tutorials are great, but building projects is the best way to learn. Just go build stuff! "
~ freecodecamp

easy to working ⚒

in technology especially within the emerging startup culture – are well known for their flexibility and perks. you can work from anywhere. work as Freelancer, remotely working or employee.

last thing I had writing these words

  1. thanks for complete this article
  2. all these paragraphs is my own point of my view, not required heard my own point of my view. thanks

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