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OWO - A fuzzy string transformer written in Golang.


Huohhhh. fuwwy stwing twansfowmew ;3

Built @zuzakistan’s (@BBCBweaking) OWO with Golang.

Source: mnlwldr/OWO.

package owo

import (

// Define a prefixes variable as a slice of strings
var prefixes = []string{
    "<3 ",
    "0w0 ",
    "H-hewwo?? ",
    "HIIII! ",
    "Haiiii! ",
    "Huohhhh. ",
    "OWO ",
    "OwO ",
    "UwU ",

// Define a suffixes variable as a slice of strings
var suffixes = []string{
    " ( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)",
    " (இωஇ )",
    " (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)",
    " (• o •)",
    " (●´ω`●)",
    " (◠‿◠✿)",
    " (✿ ♡‿♡)",
    " ( \"\")",
    " (人◕ω◕)",
    " (;ω;)",
    " (`へ´)",
    " ._.",
    " :3",
    " :D",
    " :P",
    " ;-;",
    " ;3",
    " ;_;",
    " >_<",
    " >_>",
    " UwU",
    " XDDD",
    " ^-^",
    " ^_^",
    " x3",
    " x3",
    " xD",
    " ÙωÙ",
    " ʕʘ‿ʘʔ",
    " ʕ•̫͡•ʔ",
    " ㅇㅅㅇ",
    ", fwendo",

// Translate the given text. You can set withPrefix and withSuffix
// to true or false, if you want them or not.
// It returns the translated text
func Translate(text string, withPrefix bool, withSuffix bool) string {

    // Define a concat variable as a slice of strings
    var concat []string

    // if withPrefix is set to true add it to the concat slice
    if withPrefix {
        concat = append(concat, prefixes[random(len(prefixes))])

    // substitute characters and add the processed string to the concat slice
    concat = append(concat, substitute(text))

    // if withSuffix is set to true add it to the concat slice
    if withSuffix {
        concat = append(concat, suffixes[random(len(suffixes))])

    // Join the concat slice and return it as a string
    return strings.Join(concat, " ")

// It replaces characters in the given text
// It returns the processed string
func substitute(text string) string {
    return strings.NewReplacer(
        "r", "w",
        "l", "w",
        "R", "W",
        "L", "W",
        "no", "nu",
        "has", "haz",
        "have", "haz",
        "you", "uu",
        "the ", "da ",
        "The ", "Da ").Replace(text)

// It returns a random number
func random(max int) int {
    return rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(max)
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