DEV Community

Michael Brackett
Michael Brackett

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Release 2.0 pr-4

For my fourth and final issue that I decided to work on I wanted to take a different approach to open source development.

The repo that I chose to work on is: which is a website that aggregates pets that need to be adopted.

I wanted to expand on my graphic design skill as that is a good tool to have when working as a Web Developer, so I decided to take this issue:

I decided to use which is a free application.

In the end I created a pretty nice (at least I think so) placeholder image for the website


So now after around 30 minutes creating this I thought it would be a walk in the park to add it into the repo. Boy was I wrong, this issue took me longer than any other pull request for hacktoberfest.

At first, I needed to get my own API key for the API that the website was using the fill the pets dynamically, so I signed up for that and followed the instructions on the file. Everything was working until I encountered a CORS issue. Randomly I just was not able to access my API anymore cause of CORS, and I couldnt test to see if my code worked. I had to manually plug in all my API credentials into the code to get it to run (this was after a long time of trying to find why I was getting this issue in the first place). Afterwards once I got it to work I had MAJOR issues trying to get the image to load when you built to program since the way the owner coded it made is so that I couldnt just put the route to the image in, instead I had to make an if statement inside the React return statement. Sounds pretty easy when I type it out but it took me a very long time to just get to this stage and trying to figure out how to work with the owners code.

You can find more on my issue here:

All in all it was still a very educational issue for me because it taught me how to work with things that were even out of the repo maintainers hands (i.e. the API not working).

Even though I didn't think this pull request would have a lot of coding in it since I wanted to try another form of Open Source development, did I ever run into some HUGE issues for myself when working with the code portion.

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