Here in simplest form we are going to run an Asp.Net core application in local Kubernetes.
Step 1: Creating a container registry
First you need to login to your azure account:
az login
if you don't know the id of the location you can get it with
az account list-locations
I am going to use australiaeast. So I am going to put it in a variable.
The other parameter I am going to need is a name for resource group
In case you are not using an existing resource group:
az group create --location $location --name $resource_group_name
Next parameter is a name for the container registry. As it needs to be unique I am adding the seconds from Unix Epoch.
crName=TestCR$(date +'%s')
$crName='TestCR' + [int][double]::Parse((get-date -UFormat +%s))
Finally, we create the container registry:
az acr create -g $resource_group_name -n $crName --sku Basic --admin-enabled -l $location
I am going to (manually) store the value of loginServer from the json response in crServerName.
The next parameters we need are credentials.
az acr credential show -g $resource_group_name -n $crName
Take a note of "username" and password value
Step 2: Creating the docker image
Now we are going to create a dotnet core web application and build a docker image. The complete list is also here
dotnet new webapp -o KTestDotNetCoreWebApp
cd .\KTestDotNetCoreWebApp\
dotnet publish -c Release -o out
new-item -path "Dockerfile" -ItemType "file" -Value 'FROM AS runtime
COPY out ./
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "KTestDotNetCoreWebApp.dll"]'
docker build . -t ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image
We need to tag our docker image with the name of the container registry server.
docker tag ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image "$crServerName/ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image"
To be able to push to the registry you first need to login. You can login using either of following ways:
az acr login --name $crName --username $crName
docker login "$crServerName"
both of them will use the username and password you got using az acr credential show.
Now we can push our image:
docker push "$crServerName/ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image"
Step 3: using our docker image in Kubernetes
To allow kubernetes pull down our image, we need to define a image pull policy.
K8s would get the information it needs in a secret object. The type of this secret should be docker-registry. Here I am going to name it myregistrykey. It would be used while defining the container template either for the pod or for the deployment.
kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey --docker-server="https://$crServerName" --docker-username="$crName" --docker-password={replace the password}
- The password is what you get while running the az acr credential show
- The email can be anything.
Now we are going to create a deployment object using kubectl run. As imagePullSecrets can not be added in the command line of creating the deployment object (or pod object), I would use --dry-run option with -o yaml to only generate the yaml.
kubectl run g5 --image="$crServerName/ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image:latest" --replicas=2 --port=80 --dry-run -o yaml >g5.yaml
Now, we need to add the imagePullSecrets at the same level of containers.
The final yaml would be like:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
creationTimestamp: null
run: g5
name: g5
replicas: 1
run: g5
run: g5
- image: testcr{some numbers}
name: g5
- containerPort: 80
- name: myregistrykey
And now we can create the deployment object using our yaml file.
kubectl apply -f g5.yaml
The last step is exposing the port 8080 using a load balancer service.
kubectl expose deployment g2 --type=LoadBalancer --name=glb --port=8080 --target-port=80
That's it. You can now browse the application on http://localhost:8080.
You might prefer to only create a pod. The only difference is add --restart=Never in kubectl run command and remove the --replicas:
kubectl run g3 --image="$crServerName/ktest-dotnetcore-webapp-docker-image:latest" --restart=Never --port=80 --dry-run -o yaml >g3.yaml
Similarly, edit the yaml file and add under spec add
- name: myregistrykey
and then create the object.
kubectl apply -f g3.yaml
The exposing step would be the same just saying pod instead of deployment.
kubectl expose pod g3 --type=LoadBalancer --name=glb --port=8080 --target-port=80
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