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The code review that changed my life

Makoto Kinoshita on September 01, 2020

One code review changed my career as a software engineer. It was around three months into my first job. On that day, I was working on a different p...
moniquealtero profile image
Monique Altero • Edited

I really liked this article. In the company I'm currently working at, code reviews are not a true practice, It has only 3 people responsible for reviewing and we are a team of 25 developers. Sadly they refuse to comment and truly analize the code of others, it is really a pity. Since I saw this kinda of issue I'm trying to show them how everyone can improve their skills if we take code review seriously. It's been a hard battle but I'll try to win this.

mkinoshita12 profile image
Makoto Kinoshita

It is great to hear that this article was somewhat helpful to you. I truly believe code reviews are great ways to improve as a team as well as individuals. Each developer learns new things every day. If you can have a system to share the knowledge with a team, your entire team will benefit greatly. I know it is a time-consuming activity, and some people don't like it, but you got this! Good luck!

dustinbyrne profile image
Dustin Byrne

Hi Monique! I'm curious, why do you think your company avoids quality code review? Do you have any sort of process in place?

scroung720 profile image

Thanks for sharing, I was writing a similar post and your post inspired me to finish it.

About this:
'...I no longer just wanted to ship functional code. I wanted to write code that is readable and maintainable. Software engineering is teamwork.'
I agree with you. In fact, I believe that this is what differentiates seniors from mid/juniors devs. The multiple aspects of this topic are really interesting. Good reminder there.

mkinoshita12 profile image
Makoto Kinoshita

That's wonderful to hear. Please share your article with me once you finish it. I'm excited to read it!

tlylt profile image
Liu Yongliang

Very relatable article! Personally I would like to join a software company of a substantial size is because of the opportunity to learn from more experienced developers and understand better software development practices.

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

If you have the time, try to contribute to open source projects. Pick ones from big corps with known high quality standards (Google, Facebook, Square). This is definitely how I learned the most: gtk+, libxml, GWT, Dagger, etc.

Reading code reviews from those projects can be a good first step too (I'd encourage reading all issue and PR comments as they happen in select projects)

tlylt profile image
Liu Yongliang

Yes I am planning to do so😄. However, I do have this irrational fear that high quality standard repos are too big/complex for me to understand enough without guidance.

Anyway, I do currently have a project that I intend to get on soon, making baby steps towards a better self...

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tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

The best projects to pick are the ones you leverage in your projects. And even if you don't understand the code sometimes, reading the review comments is still valuable (chances are you'll also learn about how the code works 😉)

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tlylt profile image
Liu Yongliang • Edited

Hi Thomas,
Would you mind elaborating on how you tackle a fresh open source project? I am quite clueless as to where to begin when faced with the repo. Is the process of getting to understand what is going on by simply...reading every single line of code or every single issues from start to finish? Is there a strategy that you employ when starting out with a fresh project?

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tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

In most cases, I had started with an issue I had with the project, trying to find my way in the code and understand how things are supposed to work. So starting from an error message I got, or an output file I thought should be generated by was missing, an option that I thought would match my use case but didn't work the way I thought it would, etc. git grep is one of my best friends in those cases (for a statically-typed language, grepping the type's name to navigate to its declaration or use sites; for JS or Python grepping the import paths).
Or if you wonder how one feature works under the hood, go explore that part.
For issues and PRs, look for "good first issues" you could possibly pick up at fixing, and read select PRs that pique your curiosity.
Then watch the project to get notified of every new issue/PR and comment.

That's how I generally do it (I learn by reading, not necessarily practicing), but YMMV 🤷

mkinoshita12 profile image
Makoto Kinoshita

I know how you feel really well. I think it is a dilemma many developers have :/ Some people love to work in a small team or even alone, but there is currently no great way for them to learn from experienced developers. I hope this to change in the future tho!

bosepchuk profile image
Blaine Osepchuk

You may not be able to learn from experienced developers directly if you are working alone, but there are plenty of indirect ways to learn from great developers:

  • books (Steve McConnell, Martin Fowler, Robert C Martin, Michael Feathers, etc.)
  • thousands of hours of YouTube videos
  • online courses
  • and hundreds of millions (or possibly billions) of lines of code just sitting there in open source projects waiting for you to "git clone" them

I'm not saying this is the easy or preferred way of becoming an experienced developer but it can be done--this is how I leveled up.

Finally, just keep practicing. Review your own code a few days after you wrote it. Our go look at something you wrote 6 months ago and see if you can find a way to improve it.

mkinoshita12 profile image
Makoto Kinoshita

I 100% agree! Code reviews can be a frustrating experience if we all don't have the right attitudes. It is a fairly common practice in the software industry, but people don't get taught how to do code reviews properly. That could be one of the reasons code reviews are not done correctly in some companies too. Thank you for your comment!

ericcurtin profile image
Eric Curtin • Edited

I can't see the code for context but it sounds to me that the reviewer is a bit pedantic, the comment: "If you have to pass a boolean as a flag, it is usually a code smell. It means that the function could be two separate functions." for example is fine, but this really doesn't matter 99% of the time, sometimes it enchances readability to pass the boolean flag to avoid context switching between just slight variants of a function when reading. Hearing the comments were longer than the code is not normally a great sign, at this stage I'd recommend a face to face conversation or a phonecall.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I like the part on the catch 22 part of getting code review is at work to learn to improve on their craft. I love the part to help circumvent the problem was participating in open source projects.