DEV Community

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

Posted on

Beginners guide to is a platform for developers to share and learn from each other. Here is a beginner's guide to getting started on the platform:

Sign up for an account: Go to and create an account using your email and password.

Complete your profile: Once you have an account, complete your profile by adding a bio, picture, and links to your social media profiles.

Explore the community: Take a look around the community by browsing articles, tutorials, and discussions. You can also search for specific topics using the search bar.

Participate in the community: You can join the conversation by commenting on articles, tutorials, and discussions. You can also start your own discussion by clicking on the "New Discussion" button.

Share your own content: Share your own content by clicking on the "New Article" button. You can write about anything related to development, and add code snippets, images, and videos to your article.

Join the Slack community: has a Slack community where you can connect with other developers, share your work, and get feedback. To join, go to and sign up.

Follow users and tags: You can follow users and tags on to stay updated on their content. When you follow a user, their articles will appear in your feed. When you follow a tag, articles with that tag will appear in your feed.

Be helpful and respectful: Be helpful and respectful when participating in the community. Show empathy and be willing to help others.

By following these steps, you will be able to make the most of your experience on and connect with other developers.

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