DEV Community

Manuele J Sarfatti
Manuele J Sarfatti

Posted on

Is it now possible to react with a thumb down πŸ‘Ž on DEV?

I wrote a (knowingly) controversial comment to a post, and in my notifications I see this:

Screenshot showing the thumb down reaction

But when I look at the reactions of the comment itself the "thumb down" does not appear, nor have I ever been able to "thumb down" anything.

Is this some kind of superpower granted to this website's VIPs? Is it an experimental feature? Does anyone have any information on this?

Oldest comments (12)

huncyrus profile image

Personally, I have no clue, maybe it was reported as abuse?
But would like to see a downvote button, because so many copy-cat article* exists and would be nice to throw them away after a while.

  • articles what usually copeid from other websites and rephrased but contain zero new information nor good practice. Many people abuse it to build credibility or portfolio...
mateuszjarzyna profile image
Mateusz Jarzyna

Thumb down is definitely the missing feature

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Yikes. I know what you mean. If something is blatantly copied at pasted (especially, not their own content) report the post or the user.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

As far as I know, only mods can do this. I did not realize that the user of the post would see that in their notifications. πŸ€”

mjsarfatti profile image
Manuele J Sarfatti

This must be it, it was definitely a person with mod powers. I wonder what the implications of a thumb down are πŸ€”

eljayadobe profile image

I remember watching a movie called Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe. When Emperor Commodus gave the "thumb down", it was bad.

Thread Thread
mjsarfatti profile image
Manuele J Sarfatti


scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

There is some info here.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Yes, there are implications.

Thumbsdown (πŸ‘Ž): a quick way to "push content down" so that it's less likely to be seen on the site (e.g. articles that only have a teaser paragraph and send the reader to an external link for the rest).

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It looks like some of the mod actions may have sent notifications when they shouldn't have. I believe the issue has been fixed now.

mjsarfatti profile image
Manuele J Sarfatti

Shouldn't it be transparent when a post is flagged? Is there a reason why it's kept "secret" by design?

abdisalan_js profile image

I'd rather NOT have a thumbs down reaction, it just adds negativity.
We're already hungry for more likes and unicorns, why feel attacked as well?