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Top 3 browser extensions to prevent distraction

In the digital world, it's hard to stay focused for a long time. New notifications and social media feeds keep pushing new “interesting” content to us, effectively distracting us, and before we know it we're spending another hour meaninglessly scrolling through Instagram. Unfortunately, we often lack the willpower to resist such strong social engineering pressure.

I myself often had this problem and was looking for a solution, in this post I would like to introduce you to the tools i use.

Best tools:

  1. BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused

Do you also sometimes look at social media while working hard and before you know it you've spent half an hour browsing stupid memes? There is a simple way to prevent this. BlockSite is an extension thanks to which you can block specific sites and search phrases during working hours.

  1. News Feed Eradicator

News Feed
Another one is an app that has contributed a lot to my productivity, I use it for youtube, facebook, instagram and twitter. This app blocks feed and all recommended content on these platforms as well as recommended videos on yt. So you can focus only on consuming content related to your work or watching totrials on youtube without fear that you will find another interesting video distracting from your studies.

Translated with (free version)
Alt Text

  1. SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip Sponsorships SponsorBlock

Another extension may be a bit controversial, SponsorBlock omits sponsored content from YouTube videos where a device or service is recommended, or simply intro creators to channels. I know that often such ads can last for a long part of the episode, but on the other hand they are also a source of income for the creators. So it is up to you whether you prefer to save your time or watch the commercial and support the creator. I just want you to know that this way of saving time and increasing productivity does exist.

Check them out and let me know how they work for you and let me know what your ways of not getting distracted.

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