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Changing careers at 29: Childcare to Web development

Laura Jane on August 01, 2020

Growing up During my childhood, I grew up playing with dolls, looking after & pushing them around in a pram, dreaming of th...
jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

You are a trooper! I don't know if I'd survive all of that schooling on top of parenting and working like that.

100% agree about dev being enjoyable though. This kind of problem solving can be so much fun. 🙂

Also, I'll admit I was a little confused at first about how the headline and content matched up until I realized > was a right arrow, not "greater than" (read, more important than). Lol 😅

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

Thank you so much! I’ve changed it now 😉

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

You could have just changed it to -> or → :D

skaytech profile image

Wow! That's one awesome article to debut your innings with. Being a parent myself, I have extra amount of admiration for folks who pursue any career particularly software engineering. I've been in the field for 16+ years and honestly things changed a lot for me after we had our son. And it was a reality check for me, to realise that my time isn't really mine after I became a parent. So, every second I got time for myself, I began to value and plan to do something productive. Even, if it's for an hour everyday. And to realise you are doing exactly the same, I am sure you'll be some force to recon with once you are ready. I wish you all the success in your journey. Just keep going and stay consistent.

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

Thank you so much! This is a wonderful comment! Have a great day! 😃

syntaxseed profile image
SyntaxSeed (Sherri W)

Welcome to the world of development!

I put my own career as a web developer mostly on pause for the last 8 years as I took care of my 3 boys & I'm now jumping back into things.

I love the challenge & flexibility & ever-changing nature of this industry. And the wealth of things to learn online is amazing!

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

This is so inspiring, thank you for replying to me! Have a great day!

echoingnarc profile image

Yay! I love these kinds of posts. It helps me stay on track as a mom too. I really need to make more internet coding friends help me through those tough days. Thank you for the read and for inspiring me to continue learning.

naresh profile image
Naresh Poonia

I can totally relate to having a job that is not challenging enough.
I've been learning to code for over a month now and I love every bit of it.
Thank you for sharing your journey here, I have also shared my first-month coding journey here.
You are absolutely right that we are on the same journey irrespective of our experience.
Good luck with your Computer Science degree.

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

Thank you so much! 😃

paulc_creates profile image
Paul Caoile

I totally agree with you, taking care of the kids while studying is not at all an easy task. Working full-time and studying with kids is tough as well. The constant juggling of duties can get very tiring really fast.
My hat goes out to you who made it worked. I wish you all the best in this endeavor.

thorners55 profile image
Stephanie 🌞

Empowering to read about a woman going from a traditionally female career to traditionally male. Yes. YAAAS!

(though software engineering/development was literally created by women and men pushed them out - I feel like I have to say that little disclaimer whenever I say that it's a "traditionally male" field, because it's actually not!)

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

That is such a lovely comment! Thank you so so much for replying to my story. 🌸

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

Reading this is an inspiration for me to continue my own web development journey, to which I got an extremely late start, 31 years after becoming a coder (taught myself desktop app making in BASIC at 6 years old!)... thanks a million!

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

You can do it Eric! Well done! Thank you for your comment! 😃

amyrbrown profile image
Amy Brown

Great story! I'm moved by your self-awareness, your courage and perseverance. Your kids (the ones you worked with and the ones you are raising) are lucky to have you in their lives, and the software industry will be lucky to have your perspective. Congratulations and good luck! ❤️

rachelmlawson profile image
Rachel Lawson

You are inspiring! I'm 30 and am working on my BSCS, looking to make a career change. Trying my best to find time between school and my day job to learn more about coding, as my coursework is heavy on the theory so far. I so respect your hustle! Good luck with your degree and your dev journey, and thanks for posting! :)

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

What a fascinating journey. My wife has a degree in child development and taught a few different age groups while we were in college.

My journey may not have as dramatic of a change from Mechanical Engineering to Data Science, but I changed careers in 2017 at 28. Due to a number of medical issues from my daughter we were in the hospital so much it really restricted my ability to travel, which was a big part of the job. I worked late many nights. Sometimes from home others from waiting rooms to learn python and Data Science skills to change my career into something that fit my families life a bit better.

arthkate profile image
Arthur Kateeba

How inspiring and to say the least, you've got to have superpowers to be able to juggle parenting and working your normal job and doing web development at the same time.

Your story has encouraged me that it's possible and am more than grateful that you did share.

Let me just saddle up and brace for this amazing journey ahead.

st3v3j profile image

That’s amazing! I am changing careers myself after falling in love with coding and getting the courage to embark on a journey I never want to end, while raising a mini engineer and working full time. Just reading about others doing the same and thinking the same way is inspiring. Good luck on your schooling, it’s never too late too change your life!

jgcastro profile image
Juan Castro

Nice article. 100% agree a change of carrier late in life and with kids it is not easy

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Sounds like a great experience Laura. Looking forward to seeing great things from you.

jevason90 profile image
Jonny Evason

Great story, I can relate to having kids and taking that career change leap!

bryanguillens profile image
Bryan Guillén da Silva

Thanks for sharing your journey!
I will graduate next semester and I hope you enjoy Uni!

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

Thank you Jack - I honestly appreciate your support & help! You are amazing. 🤗

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Laura Jane,
As my friend from New Zealand says, "Good on YA!" ;))

0ctavia profile image

Congrats! I changed careers myself at age 33 but I didn't have two children, so managing all that is really impressive. Hats off!

jatinrao profile image
Jatin Rao

That's so awesome of you Laura :)

Keep doing amazing & Thanks for sharing your journey with us ;)

leob profile image

That's a good read, great story!

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty • Edited
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats on your first post!

You did it!

misslorsx profile image
Laura Jane

Thank you so much! This means everything. 🥺🙌🏻

_hator1 profile image

i loved the 3 W's!!