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Git Explained: Proper Team Etiquette

Milu on May 23, 2020

Proper team etiquette will assist your team to achieve seamless collaboration and productivity. These rules are often gained with experience as mos...
pauljherring profile image

Just wondering why all the git commands in the code blocks start with a capital G, yet the touch command in them, and the git commands in the Handle Large Files section start with lower case...?

milu_franz profile image

I write my drafts in a google doc and didn't realize it capitalized those Git commands. I updated it! Thank you for pointing that out!

bryanloeper profile image
Bryan Loeper

Great article, I'll be sharing with my developers! One thing that stuck out though is that there are different philosophies out there for origin/master and devs may run into repos where that branch is what is deployed rather than ready to deploy.

milu_franz profile image

That is a great point Bryan! I edited my post to include both possibilities. Thank you for the suggestion :)

thebouv profile image
Anthony Bouvier

Love this article and plan to share it with others, but the token naming part has me stuck. I've actually had several issues with other non-git software that interacts with branches that have / in their name. So we name things feature-, bug-, etc instead of feature/, bug/. Jenkins for instance seems to break on the / naming convention and I know I've run into problems in other software too.

milu_franz profile image

That is a really good point Anthony! I've updated this article to suggest any of those name conventions (using / or -) and added a note for the ones that are using Jenkins or other third-party tools in their CI/CD implementations. I'm glad you brought this up as I haven't encountered this issue in the past. Mostly because my team uses Gitlab CI and thankfully / do not affect our pipelines.

I'm glad you enjoyed this article and thanks again for the suggestion!

marianban profile image
Marian Ban • Edited

Thanks for putting it together. git fetch --prune --all is a very useful command and it is also possible to automate this process with git config remote.origin.prune true It deletes branches when you do a git pull/fetch if they were deleted on the remote.

EDIT: Actually I misunderstood the prune command a bit 😅 The prune option will only delete remotely deleted references in your working tree under remotes/* . Your local branches will be kept and you have to still delete them manually with git branch -d.

aerosoul profile image
Daniel Liuzzi

Or simply git config --global fetch.prune true if you want this in all your repos.

milu_franz profile image

Nice! I haven't you used that configuration before. I'm excited to try it out :)

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

Nice article summarizing some good practices!

Also wanted to add there's a newer way to delete a remote branch.

git push --delete remote branch-name

This was added I think because it could be easier to understand and remember.

I'll note though that, at least in my experience, it doesn't let you tab-complete the branch name if you delete the local branch first. But it will if you delete the remote branch before deleting the local one.

However, if you do delete the local branch first, using the other method you mentioned will still let you tab-complete the remote branch name.

Not sure why tab completion doesn't work with the new way of deleting remote branches, but oh well... 🤷‍♂️

milu_franz profile image

That is a great point, the branch deleting command you added is definitely easier to understand and remember. I added your suggestion to the post, thank you for bringing it up!

In regards to the issues you are having with tab-completing a branch name, I’m not sure why bash git completion does not recognize those two commands as the same, I will look into it and let you know if I find out why this is happening.

Side note, starting on Git v2.8.0 you can use git push with the -d option as an alias from —delete, in case you like this shortcut better.

Thank you again for reading and providing suggestions! :)

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

Oh neat! That'll be even nicer. :) Thanks!

damsalem profile image
Dani Amsalem

Another great article Milu! I have a question and a suggestion:

Question: What is --list in this line of code git branch --list “feature/*”? It looks like it might be the name of the branch. I went back to your earlier article Git Explained: The Basics and didn't notice a naming technique for creating new branches. Whereas, this Atlassian article on branches doesn't use any hyphens to prepend a branch name.

Suggestion: I noticed your list of previous posts at the bottom, would you mind being redundant and adding them to the top as well? I'm saving these and having a quick reference as to sequence, above the fold, would be very handy.

milu_franz profile image
Milu • Edited

Hi Dani!

The command git branch or git branch —list shows you all the branches you are keeping up with locally. You also have the option to give this command an argument in order to only see a group of branches. For instance, if I followed the token advice mentioned in this article, I should have some branches that start with feature/name-of-branch and other that start with bug/. If I want to only list all the branches that add a feature and ignore all the bug branches, I can give it an argument that asks for all the branches that start with feature/* (the asterisk is like a wild card).

I hope this explanation helps clarify that command.

Also, thank you for the suggestion, I didn’t know this before you mentioned it but you can do a “series” of posts and they all link to each other at the top of the page. So I took care of that :) Thank you!

damsalem profile image
Dani Amsalem

Right on! Thanks for the detailed explanation of git branch and for making this into a series :)

zkoppert profile image
Zachery Koppert

Love that you pulled all these great practices together. Thanks for the reminders and new info!

milu_franz profile image

Thank you for the kind words Zachery! Glad you enjoyed this post :)

vishnubaliga profile image
Vishnu Baliga

Very informative and well written!

milu_franz profile image

Thank you Vishnu!

hp profile image

Thank you for this very informative article on Git. Appreciate it! :)

milu_franz profile image

Thank you for the kind words Hari! I'm glad you found it helpful :)

joshangehr profile image

Really nicely done, thanks for this. The illustrations are beautiful!

milu_franz profile image

Thank you Josh! I really appreciate the encouragement and kind words :)

circleofconfusion profile image
Shane Knudsen

Thanks for this. Learned a few tricks I didn't know.

milu_franz profile image

That is fantastic! I'm glad this post was helpful to you Shane! Thank you for reading.

kn_sandeep profile image
Sandeep Kongathi

I like the pictures Milu, where did you create? tool/software?

milu_franz profile image

Hi Sandeep, my illustrations are done using an iPad and an app called Paper Pro. Glad you like them!

gerardolima profile image
Gerardo Lima

using "/" as part of the branch names may look cool, but will definitely causes trouble on CI / CD pipelines.

rinkattendant6 profile image

I suppose that depends on your CI/CD tool. At my work we use GitLab CI and it works well, in fact one of the teams has the tool configured to run certain jobs based on whether the branch is a feature branch or pre-release.

milu_franz profile image

Same here Vincent, my team uses GitLab CI so I haven't experienced any issues using / in our branch name conventions.

However, that is a good thing to note as other teams have different implementations. I added a note for it Gerardo. Thanks for the suggestion!

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gerardolima profile image
Gerardo Lima

When the application is containerised, having this convention will make it not feasible, for example, to have images tagged by its code branch. It's not a showstopper, but the kind of small nuisance that takes time.

milu_franz profile image

That is such a great resource! Thank you for sharing, Rob!

hugodahl profile image
Hugo Dahl

Great tips Milu, will be sure to share these with team members and people I know who might be CLI reluctant.

To take Rob's tip one step further, Github has a helpful site to generate a .gitignore file for a number of platforms and languages in one step - They even provide an API of sorts, so you can stay in the command line the whole time!

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milu_franz profile image

This is such a cool tool Hugo! I'm planning to use it in my projects from now on. I added it to the post so more people learn about it. Thank you so much for sharing :)