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Milosz Piechocki
Milosz Piechocki

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Strict function types in TypeScript: covariance, contravariance and bivariance

Let's talk about one of the less well known strict type checking options - strictFunctionTypes. It helps you avoid another class of bugs, and it's also an excellent opportunity to learn about some fundamental computer science concepts: covariance, contravariance, and bivariance.

Strict function type checking was introduced in TypeScript 2.6. Its definition in TypeScript documentation refers to an enigmatic term: bivariance.

Disable bivariant parameter checking for function types.

What bugs can strictFunctionTypes catch?

First of all, let's see an example of a bug that can be caught by enabling this flag.

In the following example, fetchArticle is a function that accepts a callback to be executed after an article is fetched from some backend service.

interface Article {
    title: string;

function fetchArticle(onSuccess: (article: Article) => void) {
    // ...

Interestingly, TypeScript with default settings compiles the following code without errors.

interface ArticleWithContent extends Article {
    content: string;

fetchArticle((r: ArticleWithContent) => {

Unfortunately, this code can result in a runtime error. The function passed as a callback to fetchArticle only knows how to deal with with a specific subset of Article objects - those that also have content property.

However, fetchArticle can fetch all kinds of articles - including those that only have title defined. In such case, r.content is undefined, and runtime exception is thrown.

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'r.content.toLowerCase')

Fortunately, enabling strictFunctionTypes results in a compile-time error. A compile-time error is always better than a runtime error, as it surfaces before users run your code.

Argument of type '(r: ArticleWithContent) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '(article: Article) => void'.

Covariance, contravariance, and bivariance

If you just wanted to learn what strictFunctionTypes does, you can stop reading right now. However, I encourage you to follow along and learn some background behind this check.

First, let's introduce a type to represent generic single-argument callbacks.

type Callback<T> = (value: T) => void;

function fetchArticle(onSuccess: Callback<Article>) {
    // ...

declare const callback: Callback<ArticleWithContent>;

The reason fetchArticle shouldn't accept callback is that the callback is too specific. It only works on a subset of things that can be fed into it.

The type of callback should not be assignable to the type of onSuccess parameter.

In other words, the fact that ArticleWithContent is assignable to Article does not imply that
Callback<ArticleWithContent> is assignable to Callback<Article>. If such implication were true, Callback type would be covariant.

In our case, the opposite is true - Callback<Article> is assignable to Callback<ArticleWithContent>. That's because a callback that can handle all articles is also able to handle ArticleWithContent. Therefore, Callback is contravariant.

If both implications were true at the same time, then Callback would be bivariant.

Let's now revisit the definition of strictFunctionTypes.

Disable bivariant parameter checking for function types.

Does it make sense now? With the check enabled, function type parameter positions are checked contravariantly instead of bivariantly.

On a side note, some function types are excluded from strict function type checks - e.g., function arguments to methods and constructors are still checked bivariantly.


Wrapping up, strictFunctionTypes is a useful compiler flag that helps you catch a class of bugs related to passing function arguments, such as callbacks.

The concept behind this flag is contravariance, which is a property of a type (type constructor, strictly speaking) that describes its assignability with respect to its type argument.

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