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Jovan M.
Jovan M.

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Number guessing game, beginner project in Python!

This is one of the simplest Python projects for beginners in Python and programming in general. We will be making a program that generates a number between two numbers and then the user has to guess the number generated. We will add some nice feautures like choosing a difficulty and giving hints to guess better. This project was actually my first Python project so I'm eager to teach you guys this, Let's get into it.

Generating random numbers

To generate a random number everytime a new game is started we are going to import random and use the randint() function like this.

import random
number = random.randint(1, 100)
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now if we use print(number) it will print a number between 1 and 100. Later we will change 1 and 100 with min and max and the bounds of the number will change according to the difficulty choosed. Shown in the next step.

Choosing difficulty

To choose the difficulty of the game we will just make maximum number allowed bigger and also we will have an option for a Custom Game. Where the user chooses the minimum and maximum allowed numbers.

min = 1
while True:
    difficulty = input("Choose difficulty of guess (Easy/Medium/Hard/Impossible/Custom):")
    if difficulty == "easy" or difficulty == "Easy" or difficulty == "EASY":
        max = 10
    elif difficulty == "medium" or difficulty == "Medium" or difficulty == "MEDIUM":
        max = 25
    elif difficulty == "hard" or difficulty == "Hard" or difficulty == "HARD":
        max = 50
    elif difficulty == "impossible" or difficulty == "Impossible" or difficulty == "IMPOSSIBLE":
        max = 200
    elif difficulty == "custom" or difficulty == "Custom" or difficulty == "CUSTOM":
        min = int(input("What do you want the minimum number possible to be: "))
        max = int(input("What do you want the maximum number possible to be: "))
    else: print("Wrong input, try again!")
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So this piece of code will be looped until a correct input is passed(do while). So at this point we add the min and max to the randint() function. So the whole code looks like this :

min = 1
while True:
    difficulty = input("Choose difficulty of guess (Easy/Medium/Hard/Impossible/Custom):")
    if difficulty == "easy" or difficulty == "Easy" or difficulty == "EASY":
        max = 10
    elif difficulty == "medium" or difficulty == "Medium" or difficulty == "MEDIUM":
        max = 25
    elif difficulty == "hard" or difficulty == "Hard" or difficulty == "HARD":
        max = 50
    elif difficulty == "impossible" or difficulty == "Impossible" or difficulty == "IMPOSSIBLE":
        max = 200
    elif difficulty == "custom" or difficulty == "Custom" or difficulty == "CUSTOM":
        min = int(input("What do you want the minimum number possible to be: "))
        max = int(input("What do you want the maximum number possible to be: "))
    else: print("Wrong input, try again!")

import random
number = random.randint(min, max)
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You can test this by choosing different difficulties and printing the number to see if it's in the bounds given.

Checking the guess

Now we have to add the ability to take input for the guess and assign that to a variable to check if it's the same as the number generated. Like this :

while True:
    #shows the bounds of the number and asks for guess
    print("A number from ", min, " to ", max, " has been generated.")
    guess = input("Guess the number: ")
    #allows only ints to be entered
    if guess.isdecimal() :
        guess = int(guess)

    #checks if correct and if wrong gives tips
    if guess == number :
        print("You guessed correctly!")
        if guess > max or guess < min:
            print("You are out of minimum and maximum bounds you dummy")
        elif guess > number:
            print("Guess Lower")
        elif guess < number:
            print("Guess Higher")
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Also if the guess isn't correct we have a message pop out to help the user to guess higher or lower.

Thanks for reading

I hope this helps anyone starting out like it helped me.
For any questions comment down bellow.
You can get the full code here: GitHub

Thank you again,
Stay safe,

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