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NodeJS & PostgreSQL: ORM Overview

miku86 on September 14, 2019

Intro In the last two parts, we learned how to connect a database to a server: without ORM with ORM ORM (Object-Relational-...
bradtaniguchi profile image

I currently am using mongoose for a side project I've been working on for the following reasons:

  1. Its been a few years since I even looked at SQL, been working on NoSQL lately, so I stuck with it.
  2. Its a side project, I'd rather build it faster with NoSQL+ORM
  3. Its still pretty relational, and could 100% of been done with an SQL solution, but again NoSQL gives me more flexibility out of the box to change/update stuff as I need
  4. mlab provides a generous free tier which is great 😄

I don't believe the hype of NoSQL being the future. SQL is here to stay, but this doesn't mean NoSQL doesn't have its place :)

hazriqpedia profile image
Hazriq Ishak

I have the same case and yes, I don't think I'm that into NoSQL.

At start, Mongo seems easier. I dont have to create the schema and my data can be anything. After a while, when the data is a lot more than before, and I need to generate a report, it will start to get messy.