DEV Community

michael williams
michael williams

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Should I stay or Should I go

When you start building websites its fun starting a new project. But what about those established projects?
When you start a project you get the lucky choice of what tools you work with. While when you work on Established Projects lets call EP for short you do not.
When that EP started they froze their packages and their dependencies. So even though you might be working with python 3.12.x, they might be on version 3.8.x or something but its not near the newest. When I was in a programming bootcamp all the groups recieved a project and decided if they would start from scratch or continue with the build previously. My team thought of rebuilding but our team lead advised us to continue and add features and refactor the build.

What did we do? We decided to continue on the project and it was a great decision. Even though we chose too continue and were not forced I think thats better to prepare than a new project. Unless your in the beginning at the ground floor, something of some sort will already be built and with that you earn the good and the bad of the technology used. Since there was most likely a reason for everything done even if no comments say so. But that doesnt mean when the project started the packages are still up to date, or there are updated best practices after a major version changes the API.

So many things that can be done that might get forgotten about.
They take time to finish and update the many lines of code and
changes in each spot of the code then you add testing it does not break. There is a lot to maintain in a project over the long run and the whole comes from the parts that create it.

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