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Mike Solomon
Mike Solomon

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A Pure Implementation of the ST Monad

I've been part of a couple discussions recently about the nature of ST and, more specifically, its relationship to purity and certain monadic laws. Folks including myself have been asking:

  • Is it possible to implement ST in a "pure" way? By "pure" here, I mean a hand-wavy notion of referentially transparent, no dependencies on external libs or low-level hacks, etc.
  • Does ST act like a transformer? Can it have an instance of MonadTrans?

The answer is yes and yes! In this article, I'll share a no-frills pure implementation of ST in one file with no external dependencies. I'll also provide a strategy to give it a valid instance of MonadTrans.

ST - the basics

ST is a monad that allows you to write code that feels like JavaScript circa 1995. Everything is a variable, all variables can be modified, and the assignment of a variable to another variable captures the original variable's value at the point of assignment.

var foo = 1; // assignment 
var bar = foo; // read + assignment
foo = 3; // write
console.log(bar); // 1
bar = 5; // write
console.log(bar) // 5
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In Haskell and PureScript, the corresponding code would be:

foo <- new 1 -- assignment 
bar <- read foo >>= new -- read + assignment
write 3 foo -- write
log bar -- 1
write 5 bar -- write
log bar -- 5
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ST is nice for several reasons:

  • for those who have never programmed in an ML-family language like Haskell or PureScript, ST is a great way to translate imperative code into functional code with minimal modifications.
  • many algorithms are faster and easier to express using ST.
  • some types, like those representing event streams, need to create ad hoc buffers of values for situations like debouncing and underflow, and ST is a useful way to implement these features (this is how, for example, purescript-hyrule works).

ST is almost always implemented by writing its logic in a non-functional language that more closely resembles imperative code. For example, in PureScript, almost all of ST is implemented in JavaScript, and the compiler even has special rules to rewrite do blocs of ST code as imperative code. This leads to substantial performance gains when working with ST.

For understandable reasons, there's a common misconception that ST is a sort of imperative "back door" to functional languages. Even though ST often has an imperative implementation, it is possible to conceive of it in an entirely "pure" way. That's what this article is about!

How is this done?

The first thing to do is define a ST type.

newtype ST r i o a = ST ((Nat /\ i) -> (Nat /\ o /\ a))
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Let's unpack what the type is saying:

  • r is a phantom type that will "lock" ST computations into a context.
  • i represents all of the types for which we have made ad hoc values before this computation. For example, in the JS and Haskell/PS examples above, we are using integers, so this would contain Int.
  • o represents the types that are used after this computation. For example, if the computation creates a new reference to a Boolean and we have no other references to Booleans in our computation, it will add Boolean to the cache of types.
  • a is the actual value in the context, like in any garden-variety monad.

The constructor itself looks a lot like the State monad from Haskell and PureScript's MTL libraries. Here's a simplified definition of State:

type State = s -> Tuple a s
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The difference between State and ST is that, instead of an open s type, we restrict the variable in ST to a cache that is managed automatically by type classes. The ST cache will contain all of the references with their current value.

Then, we need some type classes to manage two operations:

  • creating a new reference (we'll call this STCons)
  • modifying a reference (we'll call this STModify, and we'll use it to define both read and write operations)


The definition of STCons is as follows:

class STCons (x :: Type) (i :: Type) (o :: Type) | x i -> o where
  stCons :: Nat -> x -> i -> o
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It is very similar to the cons one would see for any associative list. There is a Nat for the index, an x type we are storing, the input list i and the output list o. At both the term level (the definition of stCons and the type level (the functional dependency x i -> o), we define a function that inserts x in i to produce o. When we call new, this is how will update our cached values.


The definition of STModify is as follows:

class STModify (x :: Type) (y :: Type) where
  stModify :: (x -> x) -> Nat -> x -> y -> x /\ y
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We can only legally modify a value in the cache if its type has already been added via a call to stCons. So, instead of tracking and i and o type, we have a single type y representing the cache with this value already present. If when solving the class constraint the compiler finds that the type x is not present in y, the program will not compile. This is how the correctness of the cache is enforced at the type level.

stModify can be used to implement both read and write. In the case of read, we use the identity function as our x -> x. In the case of the write function, we stash the modified y in our ST and return Unit.

Show me the code!

Here's the whole thing. Everything before -- test is the implementation, and everything afterwards is a test that throws a lot of stuff at the type (several new-s, read and write in different orders, etc).

Because the file is self-contained with no side effects, the test can't actually execute. So here's a bit of impure code we can use to test that our test code in the gist actually works:

module Main where

import Prelude

import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import ST (myColorVehicle)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  log $ unsafeCoerce myColorVehicle
  pure unit
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When we run this, we see in the console:

Tuple { value0: Red {}, value1: Car {} }
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Sure enough, following the control flow of myColorVehicle, this is exactly what we'd expect!

What about MonadTrans

An implementation of MonadTrans would require a new type STT:

newtype STT r i o m a = ST ((Nat /\ i) -> m (Nat /\ o /\ a))
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This type has the same topology as StateT and an instance of MonadTrans can be defined in a similar manner, allowing it to be used as a transformer in an MTL stack.

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