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What is a Chat API?

Mike Ranellone on March 31, 2021

A chat API (application programming interface) is a modular software component hosted in the cloud that makes it easy for developers to add in-app ...
filbabic profile image
Filip Babic • Edited

Chat APIs have been one of the most challenging and exciting projects I've worked on.

This is a really nice overview of what Chat APIs offer and how we build them! :]

stephen27100828 profile image
Stephen H

Totally agree!

sachaarbonel profile image
Sacha Arbonel

Super interesting Mike! This blog post made me realize that standards for Chats are high now, so building on top of a ready-made Chat API makes sense when I see all those features we have to cover as a small/solo team to satisfy expectations of the users of your app

lambardi profile image
Ben Golden

Email was once something you did yourself, you had to hire at least a person, and eventually a team to maintain servers, experts in exchange or other SMTP queueing software, maintain industry relations so you are hitting the inbox, etc. Then one day services like SendGrid, Mailjet, and Sparkpost came along and made us all realize that was an absurd model, paying a SaaS provider for email is infinitely more effecient.

The same transformation is underway now, but with Chat. If you're building Chat yourself, you're making your life much harder and more expensive than it needs to be. Join the evolution.

iandouglas profile image
ian douglas

Couldn't agree more!

tsirlucas profile image
Lucas Correia

Really nice read!

scottstream profile image
Scott Lasica

Great article Mike!

nickparsons profile image
Nick Parsons

Great post!

toddmnortonco profile image
Todd Norton

Great article Mike!

stephen27100828 profile image
Stephen H

Very concise and informative read, thanks Mike.

merelc profile image

Great read, thanks Mike!

iandouglas profile image
ian douglas

Great article. Utilizing SaaS platforms is so much more convenient than building your own infrastructure!

yetieaterxb1 profile image
Grant Steinke

Awesome read!

niftygift profile image
Francesco Mastrogiacomo

As always, a pleasure to read your posts.

zachp profile image
Zach Painter

Super informative read, and a great overview of what's possible with Stream's Chat API!

zacheryconverse profile image
Zachery Converse

Love it 🤘

dominiquehiii profile image

It's incredible how flexible this chat API is! Thanks for the thorough explanation Mike!