DEV Community

Michael Born
Michael Born

Posted on • Originally published at

Creating an MS Access Lucee Extension

I turned a simple task (migrate data from an MS Access database) into a Lucee extension which wraps the UCanAccess JDBC driver.

Table Of Contents

Querying an Access File from CFML

At work last week, I had need to migrate data from a Microsoft Access database file (ugh!) to a more "desireable" platform. I haven't used Microsoft Access since I was in high school, and since I don't even have Microsoft Office installed on my development machine I needed a way to connect to this database from CFML.

A few Google searches led me to UCanAccess, a JDBC driver for Microsoft Access built on Jackcess. The documentation was easy enough to follow, though I confused myself with the wrong jar's class path, and soon I had a working connection to the database file.

JDBC Is Awesome!

Turns out JDBC is pretty awesome! I think it's cool that I can run standard ANSI SQL (some of which Access doesn't natively support) on a proprietary database file for a Microsoft program which isn't even installed on my system. And all of it is the exact same developer experience as if I was using MySQL or MSSQL. (Minus perhaps a performance hit.)

But I digress. After I was done with the data import, I decided to wrap up the UCanAccess jars into a Lucee extension. Why?

Why A Lucee Extension?

It's pretty simple: Lucee extensions allow you to add new CFML features, administrator UI, or java libraries in an easy plug-and-play process. No more downloading .zip files or copying .jar files into your codebase. A Lucee extension is an especially easy setup in the case of a JDBC driver, because all we need to do is deliver a handful of jars to the Lucee engine and instruct Lucee to recognize them collectively as a JDBC driver.

Creating the Lucee Extension

I started by downloading Julian Halliwell's lucee-mariadb extension as a base. (Thanks, Julian!) After some adjustments, my repository looked like this:

  • extension/ - Houses the Lucee extension source code.
  • box.json - Places the extension on and defines scripts for building and releasing the extension to Forgebox.
  • buildExtension.cfc - Generates a new .zip and .lex file whenever the extension version changes in box.json.
  • - Proper documentation is essential!

The contents of the extension/ folder look like this:

  • context/
    • admin/
    • dbdriver/
      • UCanAccess.cfc - Adds ability for admin users to create a UCanAccess datasource in the Lucee Admin.
  • jars/ - house any jar files which need to be loaded into Lucee.
    • logo.png - The logo is shown when browsing extensions in the Lucee Admin.
    • MANIFEST.MF - Manifest file defines Lucee extension configuration.

I modified the MANIFEST.MF file to specify the extension name and a few JDBC settings. I followed the "Extensions in Lucee 5" documentation on this, which was a huge help all throughout this process.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Built-Date: 2019-07-11 09:00:00
version: "0.0.1"
id: "007CA05C-E789-4769-A8B8C266E5675F7A"
name: "UCanAccess"
description: "JDBC Driver for the MS Access database."
category: "Datasource"
lucee-core-version: ""
start-bundles: false
jdbc: "[{'label':'UCanAccess','id':'ucanaccess','connectionString':'jdbc:ucanaccess:///{file}','class':'net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver'}]"

Next I placed the UCanAccess .jar file and its four dependency jars in the jar/ folder.

Next I renamed the context/admin/dbdriver/MariaDB.cfc file to UCanAccess.cfc and modified it to replace any mention of MariaDB with UCanAccess. I'm not even certain what this file is for, but I think it's probably configuring the extension as a "proper" JDBC driver and adding the ability to create a UCanAccess datasource from the Lucee admin UI.

Note: I haven't tested this datasource UI yet. I've got a feeling I'll need to update my UCanAccess.cfc dbdriver file to replace the MariaDB connection properties with UCanAccess connection properties. Makes sense, I just haven't gotten there yet.

At this point, the extension was "done". Simply creating a zip file of the extension folder and uploading it into the Lucee Admin is all that is needed to install the extension. We could also create a .zip file, change the file extension to .lex, and drop it in the Lucee context's deploy/ folder

Packaging a Lucee Extension with CommandBox and ForgeBox

The tricky part of creating this extension was packaging it. I created a CommandBox task named buildExtension.cfc which creates the .zip and .lex files for Lucee consumption and commits the files to the repository.

component {

    function run() {

    function generateZips() {
        cfzip( action="zip", source="extension", file="", overwrite="true" ) {}
        cfzip( action="zip", source="extension", file="lucee-ucanaccess.lex", overwrite="true" ) {}

        print.line( "Generated and lucee-ucanaccess.lex" );

    function commitUpdates(){
        var gitStatus = command( '!git' )
            .params( 'status' )
            .run( returnOutput=true );

        // git add will error (thus halting the release) if these files are unchanged.
        // So only proceed if `git status` says there are changed files. :)
        if ( gitStatus DOES NOT CONTAIN "lucee-ucanaccess" ) {
            print.redLine( "Nothing new to release" );

        command( '!git' )
            .params( 'add lucee-ucanaccess.*' )

        command( '!git' )
            .params( 'add' )

        command( '!git' )
            .params( 'commit -m "Add new release .lex and .zip"' )

        print.greenLine( "New release with .lex and .zip" );

I tested that the task works by running task run buildExtension from CommandBox. Once I had that working, I added the following scripts to my box.json:

    "postVersion":"package set location='`package version`/'",
    "onRelease":"task run buildExtension && publish",
    "postPublish":"!git push --follow-tags"

Aside: I acquired these package scripts from Brad Wood after he mentioned them in the CFML slack. (Reason #999 for following Brad Wood very closely in Slack...) They're also documented in the CommandBox Package Scripts. I include some variant of these scripts in every package I write, because they make publishing new Forgebox releases super easy and consistent.

These scripts automate the Forgebox release process by using the package version or bump commands in CommandBox. I can run bump --major, bump --minor, bump --patch, or even package version 0.7.2 in CommandBox and CommandBox will:

  1. create and commit a git tag referencing the new version number
  2. run my postVersion script to set the download URL
  3. run my onRelease script to
    1. compress the extension/ folder into installable .zip and .lex files, and
    2. publish the new release
  4. push up any code changes, including my new git tag version number.

Just like that, I ran bump --minor and my new Lucee Extension zoomed off to ForgeBox!

Using the UCanAccess Lucee Extension

Three easy steps to installing the extension:

  1. Add a new Extension Provider in your Lucee Server admin pointing to
  2. Find the "UCanAccess" extension in the "Not installed" section
  3. Click the extension and click "Install"

I've admitted earlier in this blog post that I haven't tested datasource creation from the Lucee Admin yet. Until I get that working, the easiest way to create a UCanAccess datasource is manually in your Application.cfc:

msAccessDB = {
   class: "net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver",
   connectionString: "jdbc:ucanaccess://C:\Users\me\my\FILENAME.accdb"

Once you do that, you should be able to use the datasource to connect to an MS Access database file and run queries:

var query = queryExecute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages", {}, { datasource: "msAccessDB" } );

And just like that, you are benefiting from the power of JDBC and Lucee Extensions. (And UCanAccess. And Jackcess. And myself, of course!)

Connecting To MS Access the Hard Way

If you want to ignore all my hard work and do this the hard way (perhaps you are on Adobe ColdFusion?), you can follow this process to connect to an MS Access database:

  1. Download and extract the UCanAccess .zip file
  2. Navigate to UCanAccess-{version}.bin/, and copy these five .jar files to your project lib/ folder:
    1. ucanaccess-{version}.jar
    2. lib/commons-lang-{version}.jar
    3. lib/commons-logging-{version}.jar
    4. lib/hsqldb.jar
    5. lib/jackcess-2.1.11.jar
  3. In Application.cfc, set this.javaSettings.loadPaths = [ "./lib/" ]; to instruct Lucee or ACF to load up the jar files
  4. In Application.cfc (Lucee) or the Adobe CF Administrator, add a datasource with the following two properties:
    1. References the class path as net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver
    2. Set a connection string starting with jdbc:ucanaccess:// and ending with the full path to your MS Access database file.

Now be warned, I'm not certain this works at all in Adobe CF. It has been a few years since I've use the ACF Admin to create a datasource, and it may not support custom JDBC connection strings and class paths - I don't know! Feel free to educate me on this - I'll happily update this blog article.

In Lucee you can drop a datasource struct into your Application.cfc which looks like this:

msAccessDB = {
   class: "net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver",
   connectionString: "jdbc:ucanaccess://C:\Users\me\my\FILENAME.accdb"


  • Java libraries are awesome, and being able to use them from CFML is awesome.
  • Big shoutout to UCanAccess and Jackcess.
  • Lucee Extensions are actually pretty easy, at least for packaging jars.

Thanks for reading!

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