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Cover image for How to create animated image cards with Tailwind CSS and Astrojs
Michael Andreuzza
Michael Andreuzza

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How to create animated image cards with Tailwind CSS and Astrojs

Let's elevate your website with a captivating image component. If your Astro.js project is already set up, we'll dive straight into using Tailwind CSS to craft the animations for our cards.

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Top comments (4)

subaash_b profile image

This urges me to learn Tailwind.

mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza

haha no need man. You can achieve this with plain CSS :-)

subaash_b profile image

This looks minimal though. This may eliminate the new module files for every component created in libraries like React. Don't know about the downsides about Tailwind, but your post has impressed me.

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mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza • Edited

Thank you for that!

The goal was indeed to simplify the process of creating dynamic components...

Regarding Tailwind CSS, it’s known for its utility-first approach which allows for rapid UI development. Some developers find it incredibly productive as it avoids the need to leave HTML to write custom CSS....which you probably know.... However, it can lead to long class names in your markup and can have a learning curve for those who are accustomed to traditional CSS or preprocessor-based workflows.

One potential downside is that if not managed well, Tailwind can lead to larger CSS file sizes due to the extensive list of utility classes. But with proper customisation, purging, and optimisation, Tailwind's impact on performance can be significantly mitigated

Said this.....I use Tailwind daily