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Jubaeir Islam
Jubaeir Islam

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How to stay productive as a Computer Science Student

Feeling overwhelmed and unproductive in university? I felt the same actually. I am studying CSE and just finished my first semester. Even though I have prior experience of programming and project building. It was quite overwhelming for me to study something which was once my hobby but isn’t it amazing? I used to be very doubtful about my performance, thinking I wasn’t productive enough. As a computer science student, it is important to stay productive in order to succeed in your studies and ultimately in your career. Here I will discuss some tips that I followed to study effectively while developing skills for making myself eligible for the fast-paced world.

Studying in a Structured Manner

You have a ton of work to complete as a student. It could be academic research, test and exam prep, group project work, or any other extracurricular activity. There is undoubtedly a deadline for you to do your tasks. Set clear objectives for each study session. When you are clear on what you want to achieve, it is simpler to stay motivated and focused.

“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” - Louise Smith

The 80/20 Rule

To stay motivated and productive, take regular breaks throughout the day as well as longer breaks over the weekend or holidays. This will give your mind a chance to rest from all of the studying and allow you to recharge for the next week’s workload. Finally, don’t forget about self-care! Make sure that you are taking care of yourself physically and mentally while studying. This could mean eating healthy meals or taking part in some form of physical exercise. I used to follow the 80/20 rule. Study for 80 minutes without any distractions and then take a break of 20 minutes. Doing so will help ensure that you remain productive during your studies.

“Don't underestimate the power of resting. It builds you back unlike anything.” - Hiral Nagda

Stay Inspired

When learning computer science, it is easy to lose motivation, especially when faced with difficult material or a challenging assignment. One method to keep motivated is to remind yourself of your long-term goals and why you are studying computer science.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier

Do your own Research

While developing a skill it’s normal to get stuck. It’s very common that you would face trouble solving a problem or an error. Always google first. If there’s a problem there’s always a solution for it and someone has already faced the same problem. Do your own research on Google, Stack overflow, GitHub etc. If you can’t find a solution then seek help from your teacher, your classmates and developer communities.

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation” - Zora Neale Hurston

Skill Development

As a computer science student, you must learn a variety of skills in order to excel in your studies and, ultimately, in your career. Apart from academics you must invest some of your time in developing skills, it’s your time to explore the possibilities. I have been programming for over 4 years, I have explored most departments of computer science (e.g. web development, app development, data science, cyber security) . The more you explore and gather knowledge the faster you realize which path you should follow as your career. But whatever you learn, learn effectively. It’s normal for any engineer to switch their jobs.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” - B.B. King

Time Management

Make good use of your time. Time management is essential to stay productive as a computer science student. Make sure you are not overburdened with commitments and responsibilities, and strive to prioritize your tasks appropriately.

“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.” - Mozart

You can stay productive and flourish as a computer science student if you follow these recommendations. It's crucial to remember that everyone has a different learning style, and what works for one person might not work for another. Be prepared to try new things and don't be hesitant to seek assistance when you need it. You can reach your goals and reach your full potential as a computer science student with dedication and hard work. Happy learning!

Top comments (3)

korete profile image

Hello! Thanks for the advice; I'll check out NiceTutor. I decided to look for a tutor there, and voila, found an excellent specialist. The prices are reasonable, and it's important that you can read reviews from other students. In the end, I'm satisfied with the result! The website is genuinely useful; I recommend it!

dylliflle profile image

Hello! I also encountered the search for a computer science tutor, and I have some advice. Firstly, consult with teachers in your school or university; they may recommend good specialists. It's also helpful to check ads in local newspapers or on bulletin boards. There are many online platforms where you can find tutors. I found an excellent GCSE Computer Science Tutors on the "NiceTutor" website. There's a wide selection of specialists, and you can choose based on the difficulty level and price.
If a personal approach is important to you, it's best to read reviews about tutors. This way, you can understand how they interact with students. Don't forget that an individualized approach is crucial in learning computer science.

korete profile image

Hello, friends! Faced with a problem in computer science, and I decided to turn to you for advice. Where can I find a qualified computer science tutor? Maybe someone has experience in finding such a specialist? Will be grateful for any tips!