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Mohd Hasan Rizvi
Mohd Hasan Rizvi

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Boundary Value Analysis,Decision Table Testing,Use Case Testing ,LCSAJ Testing

1)Boundary Value Analysis- It checks the functionality of the system on the corner cases or extreme boundaries for valid and invalid cases. It checks for input values near the boundary that have high chance of error.Any corner case that for a valid partition is a valid boundary value while for an invalid partition is an invalid boundary value.
For each variable we check-
1)Minimum Value.
2)Just above the minimum.
3)Nominal Value.
4)Just below max value.
5)Max Value
Example-Consider a system that accepts age from 18 to 56-
Invalid Valid
Min(-1) Min,Min+1,Nominal,Max-1,Max Invalid
17 18,19,37,55,56 57

2)Decision Table Testing-
Decision table testing is a software technique used to test the system for different input and expected output combinations.All the inputs and outputs are captured in tabular form.It is also called Cause effect where cause and effects are captured for best coverage.It is very simple to identify bugs and missed/error conditions and testers can identify easily using it.It can easily be understood and doesn’t require much knowledge and easy to create.
Example-Consider a decision table for login screen-with username and password-
Username Y N Y N
Password Y N N Y
Error Message N Y N N
Result Y N N N
N-for No
Y-for Yes
It helps to test different combinations of conditions and provides a better test coverage for complex business logic.This table can be used as the reference for requirement and functionality development as it is easy to understand in layman terms.It can solve many complex business conditions easily by using decision tables.
The only disadvantage is when number of input conditions are too high,the table becomes complex.

3)UseCase Testing-Use case testing is a testing technique that cover entire system on a transaction basis from start to end.It helps to test scenarios based on user interactions with the system and the observations.It helps to cover all the corner cases which would help to understand each system functionality completely together.
4)LCSAJ-Linear Code Sequence and Jump-It is aa white box testing methodology used to determine the code coverage .It is defined by what percentage of code is executed with the existing test cases.It helps in designing new test cases which can increase the coverage of the code.We can easily determine when the testing of a software completed based on it.
A single LCSAJ has the following three components-
1)Start of the segment
2)End of segment
3) A specific target line.
Certain metrics are used to check the code coverage.These metrics helps us determine if the testing is enough or not. These metrics are called Test Effectiveness Ratio.(TER).
TER1-Number of statements executed by the test data,divided by the total number of statements.
TER2-Number of conditional –flow branches executed divided by total number of control flow branches.
TER3-Number of LCSAJs executed divided by the total number of LCSAJs.

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