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Discussion on: Flutter, React Native, Ionic and Native platform: A visual guide

mhartington profile image
Mike Hartington • Edited

Hey there! This is quite the opposite. The bridge layer between the webview and native APIs is fast, but has also never really been slow. There's a misconception that the native bridge is slow due to the fact that the plugins take a while to become available. With Capacitor, the plugins are loaded and bridge and created right at start up, so you can have a fast interaction between your JS code and native layer. Here's a small example just in terms of perceived startup time.

The splashscreen is only visible for a second before the actual app hides it on startup.

EDIT: If you're speaking about anything in particular, I'd love to know what issues you've faced and if you have a demo to look out.

rubensdemelo profile image

Thank you for clarification. Would you suggest any adjust about Ionic?