This is based on an interview question I recently received while looking for a WordPress developer job.
I am using the following tools, ensure you have them installed
Using Local WP, create a sample project and ensure Woocommerce is installed.
Scaffold the plugin using wp cli and use the shortcut from within local.
wp scaffold plugin woo-admin-sample
This will create a woo-admin-sample plugin folder,we can see it's also ready to activate.
Open the folder using vs code.
Open woo-admin-sample.php and add the following
// Plugin activation hook
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'my_api_plugin_activate');
function my_api_plugin_activate() {
// Code to run when the plugin is activated
Create a directory and inside the directory a new file settings-page.php. in this file, write the following
add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_array', 'sample_my_acount_add_settings_tab', 50 );
function sample_my_acount_add_settings_tab( $settings_tabs ) {
$settings_tabs['sample_my_account_tab'] = __( 'My Account', 'sample-my-account' );
return $settings_tabs;
Create another file api-functions.php
function send_data_to_api() {
// Code to send data to API
function store_api_data_as_transient() {
// Code to store data as transients
Add another file templates.php
function load_templates($user_id) {
// Code to load templates and display data
function check_data_expiry($user_id) {
// Code to check data expiry and update if necessary
Add on to woo-admin-sample.php.
require_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/settings-page.php');
require_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/api-functions.php');
require_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/templates.php');
This ensures that we load the 3 files we added as part of the plugin files
Now we can test and see that there is a 'My Account' tab under Woocommerce settings
Now add the API key field for admin and Options for other users in settings-page.php
add_action( 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_sample_my_account_tab', 'sample_my_account_tab' );
function sample_my_account_tab() {
woocommerce_admin_fields( sample_my_account_get_settings() );
function sample_my_account_get_settings() {
$settings = array(
'section_title' => array(
'name' => __( 'My Account Settings', 'sample-my-account' ),
'type' => 'title',
'desc' => '',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_title'
'api_key' => array(
'name' => __( 'Api Key', 'sample-my-account' ),
'type' => 'text',
'desc' => __( 'Add API key', 'sample-my-account' ),
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_api_key'
'options' => array(
'name' => __( 'Options', 'sample-my-account' ),
'type' => 'textarea',
'desc' => __( 'Add options separated by a comma.', 'sample-my-account' ),
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_options'
'section_end' => array(
'type' => 'sectionend',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_end'
return apply_filters( 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_settings', $settings );
add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_sample_my_account_tab', 'sample_my_account_update_settings' );
function cxc_update_settings() {
woocommerce_update_options( sample_my_account_get_settings() );
The result will be 2 fields displayed, an Api key field and an Options field.
However, the API key field is only visible for site owners, so let's amend our settings-page.php, replace the $settings array declaration with
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
$settings = array(
'section_title' => array(
'name' => __('My Account Settings', 'sample-my-account'),
'type' => 'title',
'desc' => '',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_title'
'api_key' => array(
'name' => __('Api Key', 'sample-my-account'),
'type' => 'text',
'desc' => __('Add API key', 'sample-my-account'),
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_api_key'
'options' => array(
'name' => __('Options', 'sample-my-account'),
'type' => 'textarea',
'desc' => __('Add options separated by a comma.', 'sample-my-account'),
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_options'
'section_end' => array(
'type' => 'sectionend',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_end'
} else {
$settings = array(
'section_title' => array(
'name' => __('My Account Settings', 'sample-my-account'),
'type' => 'title',
'desc' => '',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_title'
'options' => array(
'name' => __('Options', 'sample-my-account'),
'type' => 'textarea',
'desc' => __('Add options separated by a comma.', 'sample-my-account'),
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_options'
'section_end' => array(
'type' => 'sectionend',
'id' => 'wc_sample_my_account_tab_section_end'
Now we can have the API key field load only for the admins and options for all users, we will refractor this later.
PS: I am currently not employed and open to jobs.
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