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Francesco Andreoli for MetaMask

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Survival guide to DevConnect Istanbul MetaMask bounties

🔥 MetaMaskDev at ETHGlobal Istanbul - Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to ETHGlobal Istanbul during EFDevconnect! Here's a comprehensive guide to MetaMaskDev's SDK, Snaps, and LineaBuild links to enhance your experience ⬇️


1. Core JS Package No Frills:

2. SDK Button Component && Provider:

3. Web3 Onboard Integration:

Other MetaMask SDK Options:

MetaMask SDK Developer Guide:



  • Delve into the Snaps Documentation for a comprehensive understanding of MetaMask Snaps.
  • Explore the Snaps Directory to discover and contribute to the MetaMask Snaps ecosystem.
  • Contribute to the DogeCoin Repo for an open-source MetaMask Snap project.

Snaps Workshop Videos:

  1. MetaMask 🛠 Snaps Workshop: A hands-on workshop to guide you through MetaMask Snaps.
  2. How to create a MetaMask Snap: Step-by-step instructions on creating your MetaMask Snap.
  3. What are Snaps? A Developer Intro: An insightful overview for developers new to MetaMask Snaps.


  • Explore and participate in ETH Global Prizes to amplify your impact on the Ethereum ecosystem.

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Feel free to explore these resources, enhance your knowledge, and enjoy the event!

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