Node Exploration
View Node Information
To gather information about your Kubernetes nodes, use the following commands:
kubectl get no
For a more detailed view, including internal IP addresses and node conditions, use:
kubectl get no -o wide
To delve even deeper into a specific node, run:
kubectl describe no <node-name>
Pod Insights
List Pods
To list all pods in the default namespace, use:
kubectl get po
For a wider view, including additional information like node placement, execute:
kubectl get po -o wide
Pod Details and Configuration
Retrieve the YAML representation of a pod for detailed information:
kubectl get po <pod name> -o yaml
Alternatively, obtain the JSON representation:
kubectl get po <pod name> -o json
For an insightful narrative about a specific pod, use:
kubectl describe po <pod name>
Pod Operations
Delete a specific pod:
kubectl delete po <pod name>
Or, clear the slate by deleting all pods:
kubectl delete po --all
Apply changes from a pod definition file:
kubectl apply -f <pod.yaml> -n <namespace-name>
Pod Editing
Extract a pod's definition to a file for editing:
kubectl get po <pod-name> -o yaml > pod.yaml
vi pod.yaml
kubectl delete po <pod-name>
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
Edit pod properties in-place:
kubectl edit po <pod-name>
Pod Creation
Create a simple nginx pod with dry-run:
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml
Executing Commands Inside Pods
Execute a command inside a running container:
kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND]
kubectl exec nginx -- ls /
kubectl exec -it nginx -- /bin/sh
kubectl exec -it web -c nginx -- /bin/bash
Multicontainer Pods
In multicontainer pods, containers are created and destroyed together. InitContainers, located under spec, have properties like name and image.
Additional Tips
Use kubectl get po -A
to list all pods in all namespaces.
Troubleshoot errors across namespaces with kubectl get events -A | grep error
Pods have a restartPolicy property with values: Always, Never, or OnFailure (default is Always).
Note: kubectl run creates pods, not deployments. There's no imperative command like kubectl create po for pod creation.
Explore the vast world of Kubernetes management with confidence! Happy Kuberneting!
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