Merge Conflict
Merge Conflict 50: We Have Standards
It is that time again, lightning talks! We cover 6 different topics in under 30 minutes! This week we talk coding standards, documentation, E3, app reviews, and so much more!
Follow Us
- Frank: Twitter, Blog, GitHub
- James: Twitter, Blog, GitHub
- Music : Amethyst Seer - Citrine by Adventureface
- Proudly recorded on Zencastr
Sponsored By:
- Visual Studio Live!: The development world's trusted educational provider of developer-focused content since 1993, focusing on .NET and Visual Studio. Join us at an upcoming 2017 event in Austin, Washington, DC, Redmond, Chicago, Anaheim, and Orlando. Use promo code for $400 off registration. Promo Code: MERGECONFLICT
- Raygun: Don't wait for users to report problems. Raygun gives you complete visibility on errors, crashes and performance problems affecting your end users. Raygun has full support for .NET, Javascript, Xamarin, and all other major languages and platforms. ![Raygun](
- NuGet Gallery | Settings Plugin for Xamarin and Windows 2.5.8
- NuGet Gallery | System.Collections.Immutable 1.3.1
- Introducing .NET Standard | .NET Blog
- Apple won’t let apps annoy you with their own review prompts anymore - The Verge
- Responding to Reviews on the App Store - Apple Developer
- EditorConfig
- StyleCop/StyleCop: Analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.