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Discussion on: Ridiculously easy row and column layouts with Flexbox

mercmobily profile image
Tony Mobily

I only have one simple question.
Why do you have:

display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

in .column?
Isn't this only if the column itself contains flex elements?

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

That's what I was wondering.

I'm not an expert, but from this article, I understand that some flex properties are for flex parents, and some are for flex children.

So in this case, no need for any flex parent properties on the flex children.

Here's the last example on the page with extra properties commented-out - works just the same:

So all we need is this:

.row {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap; /* only needed for responsive */
  width: 100%;

.column {
  flex-basis: 100%;

Also note that flex-wrap: wrap on the .row is only needed for responsive layouts - if you don't have any responsive rules, you don't need this, since nowrap is the default, and columns will divide the space and never wrap.

mercmobily profile image
Tony Mobily • Edited

I am no expert either, but I have worked on the CSS a lot... here is the result:


  • The default CSS rules are set for the "large" layout; the "exception" is for small screens
  • That "flex: 1" actually means flex-grow : 1; flex-shrink : 1; flex-basis : 0; (courtesy of I set those values as defaults for every columns and...
  • Changed the CSS so that every column has the class 'column', but adding s2 or s3 makes them wider

I am not 100% sure when we would ever want to use flex-wrap: wrap;. However, I left it there.

I basically spelt every out in terms of CSS rules, and "reversed it out" to make it easier to understand.

Would you consider updating the article with this updated CSS? If not, I will be happy to write an article about it (obviously linking back to you!)

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mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

I didn't write the article, just a comment 🙂

Wrong link? the link you posted is just a link to the codepen I posted? 😉

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mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

I didn't write the article, I just wrote a comment 🙂

(Also, wrong link? The link you posted is just a link to the codepen I posted.)

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mercmobily profile image
Tony Mobily

Ah I thought you were the author -- sorry!
I updated my comment with the correct link. Well spotted. I nearly had a heart attack, thinking that I had lost it!