DEV Community

Discussion on: Daily Challenge #199 - List of All Rationals

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen

Plain javascript. Slow but correct:

module.exports =
    allRationals: function* allRationals()
        yield [1,1];
        let current = [1,1];
        let nexts = nextRationals(...current);
            current = nexts.pop();
            yield current;
            let nnexts = nextRationals(...current);
            nexts = nnexts.concat(nexts);


    getRational: function(n)
        let r = [1,1];
        let a = this.allRationals();
        while(n >= 0)
            r =;
        return r;


function nextRationals(a, b)
    return [[b+a, b], [a, a+b]];
mellen profile image
Matt Ellen

My main issue with this solution is that it will eventually run out of space (for every rational I yield, I add two more to the list). I think it must be possible to write a solution that doesn't maintain a list of rationals.