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Tanveer Hussain Mir
Tanveer Hussain Mir

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Essential VS Code Extensions for Web Development Efficiency

  1. ESLint: Ensures code quality by identifying and fixing JavaScript/TypeScript errors and adhering to coding standards.
  2. Prettier: Automatically formats code to maintain consistency and readability across the project.
  3. Live Server: Instantly launches a local server for live previewing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript changes.
  4. Auto Rename Tag: Automatically renames paired HTML/XML tags for seamless editing.
  5. Bracket Pair Colorizer: Colorizes matching brackets for easy navigation and code readability.
  6. Debugger for Chrome: Enables debugging of JavaScript code right from VS Code for Chrome browsers.
  7. Path Intellisense: Autocompletes file paths and filenames while importing or referencing files.
  8. GitLens: Enhances Git integration within VS Code, providing advanced features like blame annotations, code lens, and more.
  9. CSS Peek: Allows peeking into CSS definitions directly from HTML or JavaScript files.
  10. Markdown All in One: Simplifies Markdown editing with features like preview, table of contents, and keyboard shortcuts.

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