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Tanveer Hussain Mir
Tanveer Hussain Mir

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10 free websites that can be extremely helpful for web developers

  1. Stack Overflow - A Q&A platform for programmers to ask and answer questions on various programming topics.
    Stack Overflow

  2. MDN Web Docs - Provides detailed documentation and tutorials on web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    MDN Web Docs

  3. GitHub - A platform for version control and collaborative coding. It hosts a plethora of open-source projects and code repositories where developers can learn from others' code.

  4. W3Schools - Offers tutorials and references on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many more.

  5. CSS-Tricks - Provides articles, tutorials, and resources on CSS, front-end development, and related topics.

  6. freeCodeCamp - Offers interactive coding challenges, tutorials, and certifications in web development and other programming topics.

  7. Codecademy - An interactive platform offering coding exercises and projects to learn various programming languages, including web development technologies.

  8. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Web Docs - Offers comprehensive documentation and guides on web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    MDN Web Docs

  9. DevDocs - Aggregates documentation for many programming languages and libraries into a single, easily searchable interface.

  10. Can I Use - A tool for checking browser support for various HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features.
    Can I Use

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