DEV Community

Randi Schreiner
Randi Schreiner

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Where's the disconnect?

Today's struggle: I totally understand everything as i learn it - I swear. But somehow I can't quite manage to transfer that knowledge into active problem solving. Or at least not in timed situations. Maybe I'm a bad test taker, I honestly don't remember it's been so long since I was in school.

I comfort myself with the knowledge that I can and have written functional programs so I must be retaining something... but it's still frustrating.

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manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava

I am 36, what I believe at this age, learning has no direction. You learn to solve your earlier learning loop hole. For example:

You know MySQL but it would be great if you get realtime updates.... You will learn rethinkdb now with purpose. And where to use? Create a app ... Sale it or make it open-source...