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Recover a lost Git stash in two steps

Mehdi M. on April 27, 2018

Sometimes you end up stashing code, then at some point those stashes get cleaned. And one day, you may encounter the situation I faced this week: ...
htps611 profile image

Saved my day ❤️

johnwait profile image

On Windows, in a good old command window (your usual cmd.exe), step 1. could be translated to:

for /f "tokens=3" %a in ('git fsck --unreachable ^| find "commit"') do @git log --merges --no-walk %a

If your Git speaks français, and you're one to choose the more complicated path, you could use something like:

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" %a in ('git fsck --unreachable ^| find "commit"') do @if "%c"=="inatteignable" (@git log --merges --no-walk %d) else (@git log --merges --no-walk %c)

or, really, keep it simple with alias git='LANG=en_GB git' instead.


For PowerShell aficionados, here's a command that should work regardless of your Git's locale (well, as long as a commit is still referred to as commit):

(git fsck --unreachable | Select-String "commit") -split '\s+' |
Select-String -pattern "^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$" |
ForEach-Object { git log --merges --no-walk $_ }

(Really useful post btw!)

neelmagicedtech profile image

This command for windows saved my life and job. Thankyou so much!!

meduzen profile image
Mehdi M.

Thanks! A link to your comment has been added to the article.

studoggithub profile image

This almost worked for me. I found that the update-ref command created the stash ref correctly but git stash list still did not show anything.

I added the --create-reflog parameter on a second try, and then things worked.

git version 2.22.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

meduzen profile image
Mehdi M.

Thanks! I don’t have this issue in Git 2.20.1 (macOS 10.14.16) but added a note in the article.

ericus123 profile image

Thanks a lot. This saved me .

samar_hussain profile image
Samar Hussain

Mehdi bro you have no idea how big of a trouble you saved me from. I accidentally stashed and cleared hard work of my several days and night (My mistake I shouldn't have piled up that big). And your post just saved my life. I was almost crying. Thanks a lot dude. God bless you.

meduzen profile image
Mehdi M.

Hey Samar, you know what? I feel there's a lot of gratitude in your message, so I want to say thank you for having taken the time to put it down. It sincerely made my day better (and today is not the easiest one for me 😅).

I hope everything's fine with your work, now. Sharing is caring. ✌️

mathieuschopfer profile image
Mathieu Schopfer

This may fail if you don't use git in English. To quickly fix it:
alias git='LANG=en_GB git'

meduzen profile image
Mehdi M.


What is different when you use Git in another language? I didn't know it existed.

mathieuschopfer profile image
Mathieu Schopfer

In French (I cannot tell for other languages), commit seems to have been translated by objet commit.

git fsck --unreachable returns
objet commit inatteignable 977ee79082f2e1179c3d2156f8f0e6c66682ea2d
instead of
unreachable commit 977ee79082f2e1179c3d2156f8f0e6c66682ea2d

Thus, cut -d ' ' -f3 returns inatteignable instead of the commit tag.

Thread Thread
meduzen profile image
Mehdi M.

Ha oui, carrément. :D

Gonna update the article. Thanks a lot!

rstrausslogyx profile image
Randy Strauss • Edited

I tried both commands (git 2.21.1):
git update-ref refs/stash b68ecd901f90158d7c41edf2d2d3868e3599ca29 -m "My recovered stash"
git update-ref refs/stash b68ecd901f90158d7c41edf2d2d3868e3599ca29 --create-reflog -m "My recovered stash"

both give usage (below, removing the '-d' and '-stdin' stuff:
usage: git update-ref [] []
-m reason of the update
--no-deref update not the one it points to
-z stdin has NUL-terminated arguments
--create-reflog create a reflog

Is refs/stash the refname? Or is the sha the refname?
What's the "new-val" and "old-val" - values of what?

This page seems to help:

git log --graph --oneline --decorate ( git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' )
and then
git stash apply YOUR_WIP_COMMIT_HASH

Thanks for the hope, and being a stepping stone to most of what I needed. :?)

(4 of my files weren't stashed, though. It turns out NASA's backup utility has been silently failing for months, so I've lost a few days work. Under-staffed projects are a pain. Luckily, the project and my attitude don't really matter...)

xrzhuang profile image

this saved my life

rjean99 profile image

Mine too!

pedroverceze profile image
Pedro Verceze

It is good to know, after the fist command, pick your hash and use:

$ git stash apply e3cf5932f4816f5b0022190ce6b871f51cf882de

It worked for me

shankarshastri profile image

Thanks, it saved my day !!

daniaaalarshad profile image

Thanks a lot lot lot lot lot lot. You saved my time and I recovered 70 - 80 percent of my work :)

zeke profile image
Zeke Hernandez

saved my butt! thanks!

mansehej profile image
Mansehej Singh

This was extremely helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

It never occurred to me you could do this!

simesy profile image
Simon Hobbs

Thanks, saved me some work!

abelgriffen profile image
Abel Griffen

Thanks for the solution. It worked for me.

mahipalabhijith profile image
Abhijith Mahipal M

Thanks, i got my changes back while my rebase autostash failed