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Alacritty theme

A simple minimalist alacritty theme

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I'm using here omz, install Oh My Zsh by running the command

via curl (make sure you have curl or wget installed)

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
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or via wget

sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
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If you don't like omz you can install startship either shell or Homebrew

And you'll need a font to display the icons

you can get from Github

brew tap epk/epk

# Homebrew < 2.6.0
brew cask install font-sf-mono-nerd-font

# Homebrew >= 2.6.0
brew install --cask font-sf-mono-nerd-font
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With Shell:

curl -sS | sh
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With Homebrew:

brew install starship
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Once you do that you'll need to Add the init script to your shell's config file in ~/.bashrc or in ~/.zshrc


eval "$(starship init bash)"
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eval "$(starship init zsh)"
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Create a ~/.config file if you don't already have
Then create an folder and name it as alacritty
And finsly create a file and name it as alacritty.yml

Or just run this and it'll do it for you

mkdir .conf && cd .conf && mkdir alacritty && cd alacritty && touch alacritty.yml
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copy the following code and past it in the alacritty.yml

# It makes alacritty update itself when we edit the `alacritty.yml`
live_config_reload: true

  opacity: .80 # to create a transparent background
  padding: # just to make beautiful (this is optional)
    x: 10
    y: 12
  dynamic_padding: false
  decorations: buttonless # to remove the top border of the window 

    family: "SF Mono" # use this font if you're using starship
    style: Regular
  size: 13.0

# then you can add some colors to the background and the foreground 
  # Default colors
    background: '#263238'
    foreground: '#DADADA'

  # Normal colors
    black: '#DADADA'
    red: '#dd1f1f'
    green: '#2f9e94'
    yellow: '#e4e46d'
    blue: '#24bfb1'
    magenta: '#7d357d'
    cyan: '#38a79c'
    white: '#e5e5e5'
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That's all,

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