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What's your new year resolution (2022 edition)? πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³

Meat Boy on January 05, 2022

New year and new us! What are your new year resolution? In private life and in career? What do you plan to learn, to do or to experience this year?...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

My New Years intention is to "make space", meaning that I don't need to fill all my moments with productivity or outcomes. Leave more room for nothing, maybe it gets filled up, maybe it doesn't.

kenadams9922 profile image

This is so thoughtful! I think I will practice this as well. My last year's resolutions failed. I ended up didn't get even one of my resolutions done at all. Though I realized not failing your resolutions is hard, I'm trying to make my resolutions more positive and detailed this year, such as getting a B2 level in Spanish. My last year's resolution was don't be lazy to learn Spanish (and I ended up being lazy). Another resolution is to take a walk every day, either during lunch or after work, because I feel refreshed after doing so.

lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

My intention for 2022 is to consistently work toward learning new things, and growing both mentally and physically.

I don't need to do everything everyday, but as long as I keep coming back to the things I'm trying to learn and focus on, over time that will compound. Right now I'm learning javascript and SQL, but in a few months I will be on to something new! I'm also trying to grow my strength through kickboxing, yoga, and calistenics. Again that might change in a few months, but the goal is to keep coming back to these and exploring new things as I go.

rammina profile image

Things I will achieve in 2022:

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

Learn Rust!

liftoffstudios profile image
Liftoff Studios

Same here !!!

meatboy profile image
Meat Boy

Good luck then! :D

hudash profile image
Huda Shakir

My new year resolution is to learn
developing mobile applications with Flutter and find an internship 😊

meatboy profile image
Meat Boy

Awesome! What are your resources to learn Flutter? Videos, books? ;p

hudash profile image
Huda Shakir

Actually both!! I started a course on Udemy and I found a book that explains everything by going through projects.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

My new years resolution is to break my new year's resolution... πŸ€”

sidhuag23 profile image

Life kinda suck bruh developer job is so hard bad health and stuff like that all the time