DEV Community

Janki Mehta
Janki Mehta

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Unit Testing ASP.NET Core Web APIs with xUnit and Moq

Unit testing is a crucial part of software development that ensures the reliability and functionality of your code. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to unit test ASP.NET Core Web APIs using the xUnit testing framework and Moq mocking library. We'll cover setting up the testing environment, writing test cases, and using Moq to mock dependencies.


  • Basic understanding of ASP.NET Core and C#
  • Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code installed
  • .NET Core SDK

Setting Up the Project:

Create a new ASP.NET Core Web API project or use an existing one.

Installing xUnit and Moq:

Open the project in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code and install the required NuGet packages.

dotnet add package xunit

dotnet add package xunit
dotnet add package xunit.runner.visualstudio
dotnet add package Moq
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Creating Unit Test Project:

Add a new class library project to your solution for unit tests.

Writing Test Cases:

In the unit test project, create test classes for your API controllers. Write test methods for various scenarios.

// ExampleControllerTests.cs
public class ExampleControllerTests
    private readonly Mock<IExampleService> _mockService;
    private readonly ExampleController _controller;

    public ExampleControllerTests()
        _mockService = new Mock<IExampleService>();
        _controller = new ExampleController(_mockService.Object);

    public async Task Get_ReturnsOkResult()
        _mockService.Setup(service => service.GetDataAsync()).ReturnsAsync(new List<string>());

        var result = await _controller.Get();


    // Add more test methods
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Running Tests:

Use the test runner in your development environment to execute the unit tests. Observe the test results.

Mocking Dependencies with Moq:

Utilize Moq to mock dependencies such as services and repositories. Define expected behavior for these mocks in your test methods.

Advanced Testing Scenarios:

Explore more complex scenarios like testing exceptions, handling edge cases, and testing routes with attributes.

Best Practices:

Discuss best practices for naming test methods, organizing test projects, and maintaining a comprehensive test suite.


Unit testing ASP.NET Core Web APIs with xUnit and Moq ensures the reliability of your codebase. By following these steps, you can efficiently write and execute unit tests, boosting the overall quality of your application.

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