DEV Community

melissa cagle
melissa cagle

Posted on


Self-learning, something I never really gave much thought to until I

started learning to code. to be honest by the time I hit junior high I

thought I did not like school. Looking back now I realize that I did

like school, I had just had some not so great experiences. Which led me

to believe the opposite was true. But honestly, I do like learning. as

an adult most of that has been self-learning, just like so many others.

These days to be a self-learner all you need is some sort of computer

and access to the internet. From there your options are plentiful all

need to do is decide what you want to learn. If you don't know where to

start you can always Google it. Just ask Google for the best websites to

learn your desired topic. But even before the internet, I was a self-

learner. First is being a young newly single female living on her own

for the first time and learning how to be handy around the house.How-to

books were my go too. Then thankfully the internet became accessible to

everyone, which was very helpful. Then came you tube which added to your

self-learning options. Now as an older adult I have been blessed with

the opportunity to learn computer coding in a classroom environment

while also utilizing self-learning. And I love it, I honestly wish for

more hours in the day to continue learning to code.

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